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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 01:26:52
Implications for Theory
One goal of this study was to follow up on our previous finding (see Calantone and Schatzel 2000) that a firm’s desire to build competitive equity was a key driver of a firm’s preannouncement behavior.In short,do firms with greater levels of preannouncement behavior obtain their sought-after outcome—greater levels of competitive equity?Based on our model testing,the null result (Hypothesis 1) indicates that,contrary to the preannouncing firm’s intention,competitive equity is not affected.A possible explanation is that competitive equity,or a firm’s leadership position within its industry,is a function of its actual performance (e.g.,product quality,financial performance,market share) and is thus less subject to manipulation by the use of preannouncements,which is an information-based influencing strategy.However,the proposed positive effects of competitive equity directly on new product success (Hypothesis 2),as well as indirectly through market anticipation (Hypothesis 5),are supported.These findings indicate that firms with greater levels of competitive equity may enjoy an “advantaged” market environment that fosters new product success.
For firms such as Sony and Dell,their status as industry leaders may positively affect their new product success in two ways.First,new product development has substantial risks,as most new products are failures,but firms with greater levels of competitive equity may be more attractive partners to investors,supply chain partners,and other firms (e.g.,joint venturers).Their leadership position suggests that a new product is more likely to be successful,and doing business with such a firm may even elevate the partner’s status and provide a powerful qualification (e.g.,Lear Corporation’s status as a preferred supplier to Ford Motor Company; Hambricht and Quist’s underwriting of Amazon.com’s latest bond offering).In short,they may face a receptive external environment when they solicit the necessary resources,either financial or managerial; to execute their NPD plans.
Implications for Theory
One goal of this study was to follow up on our previous finding (see Calantone and Schatzel 2000) that a firm’s desire to build competitive equity was a key driver of a firm’s preannouncement behavior. In short, do firms with greater levels of preannouncement behavior obtain their sought-after outcome—greater levels of competitive equity? Based on our model testing, the null result (Hypothesis 1) indicates that, contrary to the preannouncing firm’s intention, competitive equity is not affected. A possible explanation is that competitive equity, or a firm’s leadership position within its industry, is a function of its actual performance (e.g., product quality, financial performance, market share) and is thus less subject to manipulation by the use of preannouncements, which is an information-based influencing strategy.However, the proposed positive effects of competitive equity directly on new product success (Hypothesis 2), as well as indirectly through market anticipation (Hypothesis 5), are supported. These findings indicate that firms with greater levels of competitive equity may enjoy an “advantaged” market environment that fosters new product success.
这项研究的目的之一是承接我们之前的研究成果(参见Calantone and Schatzel2000)一个企业希望公平竞争的愿望是一个驱使企业预报行为(此处名词请自己根据专业及上下文酌情修改)的关键.简而言之,有更多预报行为的企业会如期望那样得到回报——相对多的竞争公平性吗?根据我们的模型测试,结果表明(假设1),实际情况与公司之前的预期不同,竞争力没有受到影响.一个可能的解释是,竞争资本,或者说一个企业在其行业的领导地位,是其业绩(例如,产品质量,财务业绩,市场份额)的函数,从而很少受预报这种仅以信息为基础的影响力战略的支配.然而,企业竞争力对于新产品成功的直接积极影响(假设2)和通过市场预期实现的间接积极影响(假设5)得到了支持.这些研究成果显示有更多竞争力的企业可能获得更好推进新产品成功的市场环境.
For firms such as Sony and Dell, their status as industry leaders may positively affect their new product success in two ways. First, new product development has substantial risks, as most new products are failures, but firms with greater levels of competitive equity may be more attractive partners to investors, supply chain partners, and other firms (e.g., joint venturers). Their leadership position suggests that a new product is more likely to be successful, and doing business with such a firm may even elevate the partner’s status and provide a powerful qualification (e.g., Lear Corporation’s status as a preferred supplier to Ford Motor Company; Hambricht and Quist’s underwriting of Amazon.com’s latest bond offering). In short, they may face a receptive external environment when they solicit恳求 the necessary resources, either financial or managerial; to execute their NPD plans.
对于像索尼和戴尔这样的企业,它们在行业中的领袖地位可能通过两个途径促进它们新产品的成功.其一,新产品开发存在固有的风险,因为大多数的新产品都会失败.但有更多竞争力的企业可能对于投资者、供应商和其他企业(比如合资企业)来说更有合作吸引力.它们的领袖地位暗示了新产品更容易成功,同时与这样的领袖企业合作可能也能提升合伙人自身的地位,为自己提供了有利的资格证明(比如,李尔公司作为福特汽车公司供应商的地位;Hambricht and Quist's托管线上零售商亚马逊的最新债券).简而言之,当它们寻求新产品计划所必需的资源时,可以得到外部环境的支持,不论是财政上的,还是管理上的.
Second, firms with greater levels of competitive equity influence industry standards, and their products often serve as product class standards. As such, their new products would obtain product-level advantages favorably influencing their success. Similar to brand equity within the consumer domain, competitive equity may provide a significant and inimitable competitive advantage in business-to-business relationships. However, these questions are beyond the scope of this study, and thus, further research regarding these relationships is indicated.
In addition, the results support our hypothesis that a firm’s preannouncement behavior is related positively to market anticipation (Hypothesis 7). That is, the greater a firm’s preannouncement behavior, the greater is the favorable bias and interest of various market participants (e.g., buyers, distributors, suppliers, investors, media) toward the firm’s new products and future plans. Furthermore, the findings also indicate that market anticipation fosters new product success indirectly thorough(这个词是不是应该是through?) its positive relationship with a firm’s NPD resources (Hypothesis 8). Wind and Mahajan (1987) proposed that a “supportive and receptive atmosphere for new products” is a key contributor to new product success. This finding supports this notion and attests to the possible role of preannouncement as a factor indirectly influencing new product success.
此外,研究结果支持了我们的假设,一个企业的预告行为对于市场预期有积极影响(假设7).也就是说,一个企业的预报行为越多,各种市场预期(例如,消费者,批发商,供应商,投资者,媒体)对于此公司新产品和未来计划的偏好和兴趣就越多.而且,研究结果还显示,市场预期通过与新产品开发资源的正相关 间接推动新产品的成功(假设8).Wind and Mahajan (1987)提出“对新产品支持和接纳的环境”是新产品成功的关键.这个发现支持了该看法并证实了预报对于新产品开发潜在的间接影响