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i can't stop sneezing.my stomach hurts, sometimes i feel diz

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 04:28:26
i can't stop sneezing.my stomach hurts, sometimes i feel dizzy. 可以说i feel faint吗?
i can't stop sneezing.my stomach hurts, sometimes i feel diz
faint 当形容词时作表语时,(指人)易失去知觉,快要晕倒;dizzy,当形容词讲时,(指人)头晕的,眩晕的,失去平衡的.在这个意义上讲,Faint会略比dizzy程度更严重一些.【经查牛津得出的结果】
(a) (of physical abilities) lacking strength (指体力)无力的,虚弱的:in a faint voice 以有气无力的声音 * His breathing became faint.他的呼吸变得微弱了.(b)[pred 作表语] (of people) likely to lose consciousness; giddy (指人)易失去知觉; 昏眩:
She looks/feels faint.她看来[感到]快要晕倒了.(c) [pred 作表语] (of people) weak; exhausted (指人)无力,精疲力竭:The explorers were faint from hunger and cold.探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪.
(of a person) feeling as if everything is spinning around; unable to balance; confused (指人)头晕的,眩晕的,失去平衡的,昏乱的:After another glass of whisky I began to feel dizzy.我又喝了一杯威士忌酒之後,就觉得头晕目眩.