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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:19:52
Sir Isaac Newton (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727) [ OS: 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726][1] was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, and alchemist, regarded by many as the greatest figure in the history of science.[2] His treatise Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, laying the groundwork for classical mechanics. By demonstrating consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and this system, he was the first to show that the motion of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws. The unifying and predictive power of his laws was central to the scientific revolution, the advancement of heliocentrism, and the broader acceptance of the notion that rational investigation can reveal the inner workings of nature.
In mechanics, Newton also markedly enunciated the principles of conservation of momentum and angular momentum. In optics, he invented the reflecting telescope and developed a theory of colour based on the observation that a prism decomposes white light into a visible spectrum. Newton notably argued that light is composed of particles. He also formulated an empirical law of cooling, studied the speed of sound, and proposed a theory of the origin of stars. In mathematics, Newton shares the credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of calculus. He also demonstrated the generalized binomial theorem, developed the so-called "Newton's method" for approximating the zeroes of a function, and contributed to the study of power series.
艾萨克·牛顿爵士(Sir Isaac Newton,格里历1643年1月4日—1727年3月31日),英国数学家、科学家和哲学家,同时是当时炼金术热衷者。他在1687年7月5日发表的《自然哲学的数学原理》里提出的万有引力定律以及他的牛顿运动定律是经典力学的基石。牛顿还和莱布尼茨各自独立地发明了微积分。他总共留下了50多万字的炼金术手稿和100多万字的神学手稿。
Ludwig van Beethoven (IPA: [English ˈlʊdvɪg væn ˈbeɪtəʊvən; German ˈlʊtvɪç fan ˈbeːtovn]), (baptized December 17, 1770[1] – March 26, 1827) was a German composer. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of music, and was a crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music. His music and his reputation inspired — and in many cases intimidated — ensuing generations of composers, musicians, and audiences.[2]
While primarily known today as a composer, Beethoven was also a celebrated pianist. Born in Bonn, Germany, he moved to Vienna, Austria, in his early twenties and settled there, studying with Joseph Haydn and quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. Despite gradual hearing loss beginning in his twenties, Beethoven continued to produce notable masterpieces throughout his life, even when he was totally deaf. Beethoven was also one of the first composers to work freelance — arranging subscription concerts, selling his compositions to publishers, and gaining financial support from a number of wealthy patrons — rather than seek out permanent employment by the church or by an aristocratic court.
路德维希·凡·贝多芬(德语:Ludwig van Beethoven,1770年12月17日受洗于德国波恩,1827年3月26日在奥地利维也纳去世),是一位集古典主义大成,开浪漫主义先河的欧洲古典音乐作曲家,也是一位演奏家和指挥家。他一共创作了9首编号交响曲、35首钢琴奏鸣曲(其中后32首带有编号)、10部小提琴奏鸣曲、16首弦乐四重奏、1部歌剧、2部弥撒、1部清唱剧与3部康塔塔,另外还有大量室内乐、歌曲与舞曲。这些作品对音乐发展有著深远影响。在中国,贝多芬被尊称为乐圣。