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英语初一语法的前6个单元(预备 正式)

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英语初一语法的前6个单元(预备 正式)
的语法 打招呼不用了
还有什么家人只类的什么这是你的什么什么 是的
还有书面表达:失物招领 寻物启示 介绍家人 ”你怎样拼写它?”...
英语初一语法的前6个单元(预备 正式)
Unit1 My name’s Gina.知识点
一.My name’s……=I’m…….我叫……(这是一个自我介绍的句型,英美等国家的人在询问对方姓名之前,习惯上先说出自己的姓名,表示自己愿意和对方认识,并且很有礼貌.
(name’s= name is , I’m= I am )
Eg:----I am Jim.
-----___________Nice to meet you!
A.I’m Jim. B.Thank you. C. Yes, I am. D. What’s your name?
What is your / his /her name ?
回答:My name’s……=I’m…….
His name is……
Her name is…….
What's your/his /her family name? 你姓什么?My/His/Her family name is …….
What's your/his/her first name? 你叫什么? My/His/Her first name is …..
②中国人名按汉语拼音来拼写,姓在前,名在后,但要分开,并大写姓和名的首字母.英语国家人是姓在后,名在前.如:Li Junya李俊雅, Zhuge Kongming诸葛孔明,Jim Smith吉姆•史密斯.
③英美人的全名通常有三部分,即:名、中间名和姓.书写时,各部分首字母要大写并有间隔.他们有中间名字但不常用,我们则没有中间名字.如:Ronald Wilson Reagan (罗纳德•威尔逊•里根)
First name:
Middle name:
Last name / family name:
单数:第一人称用:am 第二人称用:are 第三人称用:is
复数:第一人称用:are 第二人称用:are 第三人称用:are
(名词单数用:is 名词复数用: are )
Eg: Li Ming_______ a student. A. am B. is C.are D.be
1. hello它不仅可以用于熟人、朋友之间,还可用于和陌生人说话,表示问好.
(1)Hello, Amy! 你好,艾米!
Hello, this is Jim. 喂,我是吉母.(电话用语)
(2)Hello还有一个手足兄弟hi,hi听起来更为随意.“Hi, my name's Ben. ”嗨,我是本.hello,hi都较为简单随意,而陌生人初次见面更常见的是较为正式的问候语:“How do you do?”但熟悉之后也可以说:“How are you? ”“How are you doing? ”(“How are you getting on? ”) 怎么回答这些问候呢?
—A:How do you do? B:How do you do?
—A:How are you? B:I'm OK, thank you.
(3)还有一种较为常见的见面用语,即“Nice to meet you! ”或“Glad to meet you! ”回答很简单:“Nice to meet you, too. ”(见到你也很高兴.)大家或许还见过“Nice meeting you! ”千万不要搞错了,这是送别的话,意思是“见到你真是太好了”、“再见”.两人刚要握手,你就赶人走,岂不要闹笑话?
六.my,your, his, her形容词性物主代词,它是用来表示人或物的所属,通常修饰名词.表示”某人的……”
Eg: her eraser
my father
your book
Unit 2 Is this your pencil?
一. 词组
1.How do you spell…?你怎样拼写……?
2. Can you spell…?你能拼写……吗?Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
3. do one’s homework 做家庭作业 4. do the exercise 做练习
5. a set of … 一套,一列,一串 6. a set of keys一串钥匙
7.a set of suit 一套西装8. phone# =phone number =telephone number 9. Please call 685-6034 请拨打685-6043.10.at the bus stop 在公共汽车站
11. Call Mike at 195-1539 拨打195-1539给迈克打电话
12. at a high speed 高速 13. at home 在家 14. at school 在学校
15. at the shop 在商店 16. at night 在夜晚 17. at noon 在中午
18. at a low price 以低价格
19. The girl in a hat is under the tree. 戴帽子的那个女在树下.
1. This is …这是…… This is not … 这不是……Is this …? Yes, it is.
That is … 那是……That is not … 那不是…… Is that…?NO, it isn’t.
It is … 它是…… It is not … 它不是…… Is it…?
2.What’s this ? 这是什么? What’s that? 那是什么? It’s … 它是……
What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?What’s that in English? 那个用英语怎么说?It’s……它是…… 3. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它?
Unit 3 This is my sister
1. a photo of my family=a picture of my family 一张我的全家福
2. Thanks for +n./doing=Thank you for +n./doing 因……而感谢,谢谢你……
1. 介绍他人的句子:This is …这位是…… That is 那位是……
These are …这些是…… Those are… 那些是……
2.These are …These are not … 这些不是…… Are these…?Yes, they are.
Those are …Those are not… Are those …? No, they aren’t.
They are… 它们是…… They are not… Are they…?
3. What are these?这些是什么?What are those? 那些是什么?
They are …. 它们是…….
4. (1)I am 我是 She is…她是…… We are…我们是……
He is…他是 …… You are…你们是……
It is… 它是…… They are…他(她,它)们是……
单数名词is(Jim is…The girl is…) *and *are …复数名词are
(Tom and Alan are…The boys are …)
(2)Am I …?Yes, you are./No, you aren’t.
Are you…? Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. Yes, we are./ No, we aren’t.
Are they…?Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t
Are we …? Yes, we(you) are/ No, we(you) aren’t.
Is she…? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.
Is it…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
Is he…? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.
Are the teachers(复数名词)…?Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.
Is Mary(女单)…? Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.
Is Jim(男单)… ? Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.
First name Jim
Last name Green
Telephone number 456-5632
Class Class4,Grade7 First name Lisa
Last name Brown
Telephone number 568-2564
Class Class5,Grade7
一Lost: ⑵Found:
My black watch. Is this your black watch?
My name is Jim Green. My name is Lisa Brown.
I am in Class 4,Grade7. I am in Class5,Grade7.
Please call me at 456-5632. Please call me at 568-2564.
Jim Green Lisa Brown
1、句型:This is …. That is …. He is ….
These are …. Those are …. She is ….