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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 14:57:36
Youth is the flower season, colorful; youth is the dream of Campanula, natural active. Living in this colorful world, anyone has a strong curiosity about anything that has a color.. The psychological that can be found in the people's body can often be seen in people. Finish as network.
What is the network? How is it close to us?
The Internet, the beginning, if we do not touch it, do not recognize it, it will not survive on our body. Because the network is like a peerless beauty, once she smiled Tingting curl is walking to us. We can't ignore her existence. Every step of her close, the beauty that makes us irresistible can speed our heart beat.. And when she finally came, we can't see her face. Between trance only see a dough. That's the Internet.
It is really amazing to the Internet.. It like an encyclopedia in everything; it like a kaleidoscope and variety. It is like a rainbow after the rain, showing the illusory beauty; it like a soft cushions, let a person want to hug in the bosom. It can be anything, nor anything - it's the charm of it.
On 29 March 2005, Chongqing Shapingba District Hui Longba Town, 14 year old Luo Hua, Wang Dong, Xiong Hai continuously for 48 hours in network game "legend" to create the virtual violence society spent. When three people in a dazely along the railway line to bear sea when walking home, tired and hungry, beside the rails asleep, suddenly feel the Luo Hua to the train rushed over, he instinctively rolled down the track, and two other students was rolling over. Before the incident, but people in the Internet bar all night playing online games, which bears the sea continuously addicted to Internet games for three nights. Luo Hua said: if the Internet is not a cafe to play a head, my classmates will be awakened, they will never die ".
Think, like Luo Hua he speaks of the same, if not the computer games faint head, such a tragedy can cause?
The Internet brings people's virtual world, but the virtual Internet can bring the juvenile real criminal behavior..
Lead to young people lack a sense of social responsibility, in the network world from lip service, but do not have to bear the legal responsibility and moral condemnation of the acquiescence would in invisible in contributing to these kids lie the courage and the guts, this concept easily in real life formation.
Bad information input will often make students feel fatigue lead to decline in interest, hobbies, and friends from friends, parents talk about the Internet and so bad influence.
The network may be the perfect combination of good and evil so far, because it represents the cultural characteristics can make good or evil in the hearts of everyone to play to the extreme. So we should look at the network correctly, try to bring our good into play, and reject the arrival of the demons..
Teenagers should also be under the supervision of the family and school to understand their own due to the loss of network, often write diary of life on the Internet and find more meaningful things to do using effective time management.
Everything has two sides, of course, including the network. As long as we use the network correctly, the right learning network, that for young people only benefits every disadvantage.
If you love someone, just let him go online - because there's heaven;
If you hate someone, just let him go online - because there's a hell..
Youth is a flower in the same season, colorful; youth is the dreams of the wind chimes, natural and unrestrained active, in the designs of the season, we should correct view of the network, to construct a beautiful youth, beautiful years!