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英语翻译12 As the Western Roman Empire came to its downfall,the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 05:25:34
12 As the Western Roman Empire came to its downfall,the Roman Catholic Church took the opportunity to declare itself as the legal successor to the empire and the legal successor to St Peter-the principal member of the Disciples and inheritor of leadership from Jesus.
13 In 1054,the Christian church in Constantinople refused to accept the supremacy of the Roman Pope and was thus excommunicated by the latter.Christianity was initially divided into two parts:the one in Rome called the Roman Catholic Church and the one in Constantinople call the Orthodox Eastern Church.
14 The second split took place in the 1520s when Martin Luther,a German theologian,began his Reformation,which gave rise to the establishment of a number of independent or non-conformist Christian churches separated from the Roman Catholic Church,These newly emerging factions refused to accept an external,man-centred authority in spiritual matters and led to the greatest Christian schism Consequently,Christianity fell into three parts:the Orthodox Eastern Church and Protestantism.
15 The New Testament contains altogether 27 part,which were completed in the latter half of the latter half of the first century AD or the first half of the second century AD.They are all of the recollections of the early Christians.The earliest manuscript was written in Greek and possibly translated from Arabic,the Palestine language.It consists of the four Gospels (brief collections of Jesus,life),a book of Acts of the Apostles,Letter (once popular among the errly apostles),and The Revelations of John.
16 After the last Roman emperor was dethroned by the German mercenary troops in the 5th century,Europe entered the Middle Ages,which lasted about a thousand years or so and wai dominated by Germanic people whom the Romans had called savage.Consequently,the intellectual development of the European civilization was retarded or even regressed to some extent because of these so-called Dark Ages.It was also a period of some negative and repressive influence from the Roman Catholic Church
17 The Frank culture was more backward than its contemporary culture of Byzantium,Arabia India and China.Apart from the less-developed economy and culture of the Germans,many years of wars,as well as political and social instability,also contributed to the cultural inferiority
英语翻译12 As the Western Roman Empire came to its downfall,the
12 当西罗马帝国没落时,罗马天主教会乘机宣布自己是帝国和圣彼得(耶稣的主要门徒和耶稣领导权的继承者)的合法继承人.
13 1054年,君士坦丁堡的基督教会因拒绝承认罗马教皇的地位而被逐出正规教会.
14 第二次分裂发生在十六世纪二十年代.德国神学家马丁路德发起了一项改革,导致一些基督教会脱离了罗马天主教会的管辖.这些新的教会拒绝接受一个永恒且以男人为中心的权威掌控教会,引发历史上最大的一次教派分裂.结果,基督教分裂为三个教派:罗马天主教、东正教和新教.
15 新约一共有二十七部分,在公元一世纪后半个世纪或而世纪前半个世纪完成,它们都是集合早期的基督思想.最早的原稿是用希腊语和巴勒斯坦语写的,有些可能是从阿拉伯语翻译来的.新约有四个福音(耶稣一生的大略介绍)、一本信徒条约、信件(最早流行的传道)和约翰的揭示.(我不是教徒,所以这些我都是乱翻译的,教徒请更正)
16 五世纪,当最后的罗马皇帝被德尔曼军队废黜后,欧洲正式进入中世纪,并被被罗马人称为野蛮人的德裔所支配了大约一千年.在这段被称为黑暗时期的时间里,欧洲的文明发展停滞不前,甚至在某种程度上倒退.这时期,罗马天主教会给予欧洲负面及压抑的影响.
17 法兰克文化落后于同时期的拜占庭、阿拉伯、印度和中国,除了落后的经济发展和德尔曼文化,也因为多年的战争、政治与社会的混乱,而造成了这项差距.