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英语翻译how are you doing?I am happy to receive and read your ma

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 04:27:49
how are you doing?I am happy to receive and read your mail,how is your day hope all is well with you?Mine is very cold here in Dakar,Senegal,I'm Olivia William by name 24 years,single and never married black beauty in the skin,handsome,honest,loving,youthful,mostly fearing God and I'm sure.I of Liberia in West Africa and am currently residing in the refugee camp here in Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country,Dakar.
My late father was CEO Dr.William Daniel WD INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD.Liberia and was also the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning killing my mother and my father,I was the only one who survived and managed to make my way to near by country Senegal ,where I am living now as a refugee.
I have really wanted to have a good relationship with you,a relationship of deep feeling that will build mutual understanding.I think we'll be together for long,considering that the friendship and love has no color barriers,back to the land of education,religion,nationality,language or distance.
the only important thing is not love,love,truth and understanding.I need to know what makes you happy
Remember the distance of color or age does not matter but love matters a lot in life.
I'll tell you more about myself in my next mail,attached here is my picture and will be a pleasure to receive your I'd like to meet in person.I would change with you to share the love with you.
My preferred language is English,but can be translated to communicate in another language.please think of me and remember me in your daily prayers,I hope for your e-mail as soon as possible,have a good day.
Many kisses and hugs
Olivia William
英语翻译how are you doing?I am happy to receive and read your ma
都没悬赏分,还来求翻译.- - 遇到我算你好运,我也正比较闲, 就免费帮你一次
最近怎样? 很高兴收到你的来信,希望你一切都好.我这边很冷(塞内加尔 达喀尔) 我叫奥利维亚*威廉姆斯,24岁,单身未婚. 我有着黝黑的肌肤,英俊的面容.我正直,有爱,年轻.信仰上帝.我是利比里亚人(西非的一个国家),目前居住在塞内加尔达喀尔的一所避难营中.因为我的国家正在打仗.
我很想与你建立良好的联系.我们可以互相深入交流,了解彼此.我相信我们会相处很久.因为友谊和真爱没有肤色的芥蒂. 我们来自不同的国家,相隔万里.我们接受的是不一样的教育,说着不同的语言.我们信仰也各不相同.但真爱,真理和理解才是唯一.我需要分享你的喜悦.
请记住,对于人来说,距离,年龄和肤色并不重要,爱才是你需要关乎的要素.我会在给你的下封信里更多谈及我的生活.附件是我的照片.如果你能回寄给我你的照片,我会感到无比高兴.将来有机会我想与你见上一面. 我们可以交流我们的生活,分享我们爱的经历.
我最常用的语言就是英语,但也可以通过翻译用另一种语言进行交流.请在你每天的祈祷中记得我. 我希望尽快收到你的回信. 祝安好.