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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 09:37:18
Rewrite the underlined words. 1, please (redo the work). 2,this building is(unsafe). 3, I (found it enjoyabie). 4,It is (impolite )to say that. 5 I am (hopeful )about the future.
解题思路: 见下
Rewrite the underlined words.
1, please (redo the work).= Please do the work again.(redo是“重做, 再做”的意思。re-是“重, 又, 再”的前缀, 例如:reuse重新利用, remarry再嫁, 再娶)
2,this building is(unsafe).=This building is not safe.(unsafe是“不安全”的意思,un-是否定前缀, 例如:unfair 不公平。unable 不能)
3, I (found it enjoyable).=I found it pleasant.我发现这件事情很令人愉快。(enjoyable是”令人愉快的“意思, -able是形容词后缀, 例如:unforgettable 难以忘记的,comfortable舒适的,valuable有价值的)
4,It is (impolite )to say that.=It is not polite to say that.(impolite是”没有礼貌“的意思。im-是否定前缀, 例如:impossible不可能, immodest不谦虚的)
5 I am (hopeful )about the future.=I hope for the future.=I hold out some hope of the future.我对未来抱有希望。(hopeful是形容词, ”抱有希望的“的意思。-ful是形容词后缀, 例如:careful 仔细的)