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英语翻译New gender-neutral pronouns have in addition been create

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:22:10
New gender-neutral pronouns have in addition been created as replacements for the generic masculine pronoun (see e.g.Miller and Swift 1976,Nilsen 1977a and Key 1996).In one of such creations,e is used to mean he or she,and ir stands for him or her and his or her (Eade 1979:231).This proposal would make the following sentence acceptable:
Every good citizen should love ir country more than irself; e should be ready to die for it if the need arises.
The most popular solution to the problems that can derive from the use of the generic man is its replacement with human being,person,or other neutral terms (see e.g.Graham 1975,Stanley 1977 and Maggio 1987).The replacement would transform the syllogism mentioned above as follows:
All human beings are mortal.
Socrates is a human being.
Therefore,Socrates is mortal.
This transformation allows us to replace the masculine Socrates with the feminine Sophia,and still have a valid syllogism as is shown below:
All human beings are mortal.
Sophia is a human being.
Therefore,Sophia is mortal.
Using person when reference is made to a human being whose sex is not known or not relevant would reduce women's feeling of exclusion.For example,women would have less problems with the statement 'We need a highly competent person for the job' than they would with 'We need a highly competent man for the job'.The same is true of such word pairs as chairperson:chairman,the Black person:the Blackman,the-person-in-the-street:the-man-in-the-street and so on.Since it may be necessary in some situations to indicate that the people being referred to are not children,the combinations woman or man and woman and man have been seen as useful replacements for the generic masculine noun.The same is true for the term adult.
英语翻译New gender-neutral pronouns have in addition been create
新的中性代词还另外创造了顶替通用男子气代词(见例如米勒迅速 1976年nilsen 1977a和关键1996 ) .在这种创作,E是用来指他或她 和IR随时为他或她,他或她(伊德1979年:231 ) .这项建议将下列句子可接受:好每一个公民要热爱国家红外多irself ; 权证应血洒因为如果有需要的话.最受欢迎的解决问题,可从使用的通用名男子是其更换 与人,人或其他中性用语(见格雷厄姆例如,1975年斯坦利1977 maggio 1987 ) .更换将把三段论上述如下:所有的人都是凡人.苏格拉底是一个人.因此,苏格拉底是凡人.这个转变让我们来取代男子气苏格拉底与女性苏菲亚 ,但仍没有一个有效的三段论是所示:所有的人都是凡人.索菲亚是一个人.因此,索菲亚是凡人.使用人时,提到了一个人的性别是不知道或不相关将减少 妇女感到受排斥.举例来说,女性就不会有这么多问题的声明' ,我们需要有一个非常能干的人选' ,他们不是会 '我们需要有一个非常能干的人来负责这项工作.也是如此,这样的单词作为主席:主席,黑人人:布拉克曼,半人半街:半男半街等.因为也许有必要在某些情况表明,人们所指的是不是小孩子,组合女子或男子,女子和男子已被视为有益换了男子气通用名词.同样是为新一届的成人.