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What do you look for in a perfect man/woman?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/26 05:23:19
What do you look for in a perfect man/woman?
What do you look for in a perfect man/woman?
A UK poll of 2000 females has come up with the answer to the question that has plagued blokes for centuries:
What do women look for in a man?
一项针对2000名女性的英国调查回答了一个困扰了小伙子们好几个世纪的问题:女人最看重男人的什么?Unfortunately,if you're not somewhat well-to-do with the charm of George Clooney,you might have
to settle for lonely nights on the couch.
The poll revealed Mr Perfect as 183cm with short dark hair and good fashion sense.The man has earned a Ph.D or master's degree and brings in about $95,000 a year.He also has an Audi parked out the front.调查显示,女性心中的“完美男人”身高应为1.83米,黑色短发,穿着时尚,有硕士或博士学位,年薪9.5
Sound rather shallow?Don't worry,they've covered the personality traits too.
The perfect man isn't "too deep" and has a cheeky,playful manner when conversing with others.He
also avoids wine and spirits,but loves a good meat dish with a cold beer.“完美男人” 不能太深沉,要能开玩笑,不喝烈酒,但喜欢肉食和冰镇啤酒.
Interestingly,86 percent of those polled said they want a sensitive man,while 64 percent want him
to say "I love you" only when he means it.
Phew.It's reassuring to know women aren't too picky,but if they want to keep a checklist,blokes
might just have a few requests of their own.
According to a straw poll in our office,guys tend to like women stunningly beautiful,low maintenance,
forgiving,fun and always in the mood to satisfy any sexual needs.
If only we lived in a perfect world.要是我们生活在一个完美的世界就好了
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