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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 01:57:43
著名的法国一般皇帝拿破仑我在1769年出生在科西嘉岛镇Aeqiu,他给原拿破仑欧洲而不是巴特.他出生在法国就只有大约15个月前开始进入科西嘉岛去.当拿破仑是一个年轻的民族主义者,法国人的道路.但拿破仑被派往法国军事学院学习.1785年毕业时,他只有十六岁,何时开始的中尉在部队服役.四年后,爆发的法国大革命,新成立的政府在几年内法国卷入了这场战争和几个外国的权力的急流.神赐给拿破仑第一次来到他的命令Baodui 1815年在1793年攻城的战争中,法国人的手之军事和英国恢复.在这一点上他放弃了民族主义科西嘉,认为自己是法国人.他包围了利用之战争;被提升为机密,1796年,被提升为军事指挥官在意大利和法国.从1796,拿破仑潜伏在1797年意大利赢了一系列的辉煌胜利,然后回到巴黎当作英雄.1798年拿破仑入侵埃及法国领导的军队,这出发被灾难性的.虽然拿破仑的军队在地上已经有了全面胜利,但尼尔森带领英国海军摧毁了法国舰队.1799拿破仑抛弃了他的军队在埃及和回到法国.拿破仑返回法国时发现,人们仍然可以记住他指挥战争胜利,意大利而不是出发埃及的失败.拿破仑利用这一优势,一个月后下雨,和其他Abeixi发动政变宣布一项新的政府-执行官,他被任命为第一个政府的统治.虽然拿破仑制定一个全面支持宪法和人们投票选举了,但他只是其中的一个军事独裁的工资的面具,他很快地克服了政变,在其他的同伙的情况.所以拿破仑SUPERFATE惊人增幅.1793年8月之战争前围攻他只是个无名Shubei,一个24岁的non-French下降小完全官员不到六年时,三十岁的时候,他成为法国认为没有国王,他在宝座上君主坐在超过14.The famous French general and emperor Napoleon I in 1769 was born in Corsica Aeqiu the town, he called the original Napoleonic Europe than with Bart. He was born in France just 15 months ago only about access to Corsica. When Napoleon is a young nationalists that the French people are oppressed. But Napoleon was sent to the French military academy study. 1785 graduation, he only 16 years old, began when the lieutenant in the army. Four years later, the outbreak of the French Revolution, the newly established Government of France within a few years been involved in the war with several foreign powers of the rapids. God bestow the first time Napoleon comes to his command Baodui Toulon in the 1793 siege warfare, from the hands of the French military and the British recovered Toulon. At this point he has given up his Corsican nationalist ideology, and to see themselves as French. He surrounded war in Toulon made the exploits; was promoted to Brigadier, in 1796 and was promoted to army commander in Italy and France. From 1796 to 1797, Napoleon in Italy won a series of brilliant victory, and then return to Paris as heroes. 1798 Napoleon's invasion of Egypt led by the French military, and this set off been disastrous. Although Napoleon's army in the land has been made on the overall victory, but Nelson led the British Navy destroyed the French fleet. 1799 Napoleon abandoned his army in Egypt and returned to France. Napoleon returned to France found that people can still remember that he directed the successful war Italy rather than set off Egypt's defeat. Napoleon use of this advantage, and after a month of the rain Abeixi and others launched a coup, was proclaimed a new government - the bailiff, he was appointed the first Government to govern. Although Napoleon auspices to formulate a comprehensive constitution and the people voted for, but he is only one of the military dictatorship of the pay mask, he quickly overcame the coup in the other accomplices. So Napoleon SUPERFATE alarming rate. August 1793 siege warfare in Toulon before he is only a nameless Shubei, a 24-year-old non-French descent small entirely officer less than six years later, at the age of 30, he became France argued no monarch, he Monarchs in the throne sit in a more than 14.