作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 12:24:12
meet close open match write practise ride welcome have make drink live would let invit ask come stay talk start finish get send choose think visit print connect use click save download check buy call drive enjoy shop take tell wait leave work sleep wash start see love clean cook learn sweep happen help paint mean decorate give want bring cut plan revise test cycle will rain get heat answer question ski relax arrive continue fill take know begin decide ride notice hurry knock enter count rush try destroy return cry point die marry move join become snow build wave orbit reach land train rest spend hope
1.meet met will meet 2.close closed will close 3.match matched will match 4.write wrote will write 5.practise practised will practise 6.ride rode will ride 7.welcome welcomed will welcome 8.have had will have 9.make made will make 10.drink drunk will drink 11.live lived will live 12.would would would 13.let let will let 14.invit invited will invite 15.ask asked will ask 16.come came will come 17.stay stayed will stay 18.finish finished will finish 19get got will get 20.send sent will send 21.choose choosed will choose 22.think thought will think 23.visit visited will visit 24.print printed will print 25.connect conneced will connect 26.use used will use 27.click clicked will click 28.save saved will save 29.download downloaded will download 30.check checked will check 30.buy bought will buy 31.call called will call 32.drive drave will drive 33.enjoy enjoyed will enjoy 34.shop shopped will shop 35.take took will take 36.tell told will tell 37.wait waitted will wait 38.leave left will leave 39.work worked will work 40.sleep slept will sleep 41.wash washed will wash 42.start started will start 43.see saw will see 44.love loved will love 45.clean cleaned will clean 46.sweep swept will sweep 47.happen happened will happen 48.help helped will help 49.paint painted will paint 50.mean meaned will mean 51.decorate decorated will decorate 52.give gave will give 53.want wanted will want 54.bring broungt will bring 55.cut cut cut 56.plan planed will plan 57.revise revised will revise 58.test tested will test 59.cycle cycled will cycle 60will will will 61.rain rained will rain 62.get got will get 63.heat heated will heat 64.answer answered will answer 65.question questioned will question 66.ski skied will ski 67.relax relaxed will relax 68.arrive arrived will arrive 69.continue continued will continue 70.fill filled will fill 71.take took will take 72.know knowed will know 73.begin began will begin 74.decide decided will decide 75.ride rode will ride 76.notic noticed will notic 77.hurry hurried will hurry 78.knock knocked will knock 79.enter entered will enter 80.count counted will count 81.rush rushed will rush 82.try tried will try 83.destory drstoried will destory 84return returned will return 85.cry cried will cry 86.point pointed will point 87.die died will die 88.marry married will marry 89.move moved will move 90.join joined will join 91.become became will become 92.snow snowed will snow 93.build built will build 94.wave waved will wave 95.orbit orbitted will orbit 96.reach reached will reach 97.land landed will land 98.train trained will train 99.rest rest rest 100.spend spent will soend 101.hope hoped will hope