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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:27:58
Donnawaswaitinginthelobbyat9:00 am. We had settled on this time because we figured that traffic would be lighter -- the number one item of conversation inthe area seems to be traffic Except for a lunch break we worked tirelessly until about 4:30 pm and then headed back to the hotel trying to avoid traffic but that was not to be It had been raining most of the day and by the time we got on the freeway traffic wasat a standstill. While it had only taken about 20 minutes to get from Yorba Linda to Fullerton inthe morning it took us a full hour to make the return trip New Practical English 3(Second Edition)General WritingA very kind man by the name of A. J. Teschen volunteered to drive outfrom LA to Yorba Linda bring us to the show and take us homeafterwards. Little did we know when this arrangement was made that itwould take him over two hours to get to the hotel and take us another hourand fifteen minutes to make the return We arrived atthe show about 15minutes late missing the first two songs of Annes show.None of us had eaten since about 2:00 pm so when the show endedaround 10:30 pm A. J. could think of only one restaurant inthe area thatwe could count on to be open at that hour on a Monday New Practical English 3(Second Edition)General Writingnight - CANTORS which turned out to be a typical New York stylerestaurant The sandwiches were huge and delicious and theconversation was just as heartening. The drive back to the hotel was thankfully uneventful except fora slight delay caused by a one-car accident about halfway. It was wellpast midnight when we got back - and our driver still had another 45-minute drive back home
唐娜是大厅等候的上午9点.我们已经定居在这个时间,因为我们认为交通将打火机——一号项目的谈话在区域似乎交通除了午休我们不知疲倦地工作,直到下午4:30,然后返回酒店试图避免交通但那是不被大多数的天下雨,我们回来的时候在高速公路上交通末期停滞.虽然它只有采取大约20分钟就能从乒乓球来富勒顿早晨花了整整一个小时返程之新实用英语3(第二版)一般编写非常善良的人叫a·j·Teschen自愿开车outfrom拉到乒乓球带给我们的节目,让我们homeafterwards.,我们一点也不知道当这个安排是,开心的把他两个多小时才能到酒店和带我们另一个小时十五分钟我们到达的回归在显示大约15分钟晚错过了前两首歌曲的Annes显示.没有人吃了因为快到下午2点所以当显示endedaround 10:30 a .j .只能想出一个餐厅在区域我们可以指望在那个小时开放周一新实用英语3(第二版)一般Writingnight -领唱者原来是一个典型的纽约stylerestaurant是巨大的和美味的三明治和theconversation一样令人振奋的.开车回到宾馆就谢天谢地平淡的除了论坛轻微而造成的延迟,减小交通事故的一半.这是wellpast午夜我们回来时——和我们的司机仍然有另一个45分钟的开车回家