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英语翻译1.what are the main responsibilities of states,as far as

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/12 12:25:53
1.what are the main responsibilities of states,as far as their international relations are concerned?To what extent can state be said to be free agents in the discharge of these responsibilities
2.Do you believe that the 'war guilt'clause in the Treaty of Versailles was justified?To what exent was the Treaty ofVersailles responsible for the Seconed World War.
3.do you think a maior war would have broken on before 1920 if theArchduke Franz Ferdinand had not been assassinated in1941?Why did this political assassination lead so quickly to a Europe-wide and then a world war?
4.Why was the League of Nations founded after World War Describe and account for its successes and failure
5.To what extent was Necille Chamberlain justified in the settlement he came to with Chancellor Hitler at Munich in 1938?How far was this settlement a cause of World War
6.Why did the Janpanese invade China during the 1930s?Which assitional factors led to the Janpanses decision to bomb Pearl Harbor in 1941?
7.Of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,Winston Churchill said:"To avert a vast,indefinite butchery...at the cost of a few explosions...seem after all our toils,a miracle of deliverance."Was he right?
8.Explain the poilcy of 'containment',adopted by theUnited states after 1945.Was it the right pollicy Did it succees
英语翻译1.what are the main responsibilities of states,as far as
5.1938年,Necille Chamberlain(张伯伦)到慕尼黑与希特勒商定的协议在多大程度上解决了问题?这个协议在多大程度上影响了二战的爆发?
6.为什么日本在二十世纪三十年代入侵中国?导致日本决定在1941年轰炸珍珠港因素是什么?= =||||assitional是啥?