作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 04:29:39
2007,1987,1804,2013,568,1056,56,478,1032,289504,72000000,2300000000 这些数字用英语怎么说?
一、1 - 12
① 独立的基数词
1 one 5 five 9 nine
2 two 6 six 10 ten
3 three 7 seven 11 eleven
4 four 8 eight 12 twelve

二、13 - 19
13 thirteen 17 seventeen
14 fourteen 18 eighteen
15 fifteen 19 nineteen
16 sixteen
三、20 - 99
①20-99整十位数 – 由2 - 9加后缀ty构成,注意20 – 50整十位数构成.
②21-99非整位数 – 由“整十位数 + 个位数”构成,十位数与个位数之间用连字符“-”连接.

20 twenty 22 twenty-two
30 thirty 33 thirty-three
40 forty 44 forty-four
50 fifty 55 fifty-five
60 sixty 67 sixty-seven
70 seventy 71 seventy-one
80 eighty 88 eighty-eight
90 ninety 96 ninety-six

四、100 - 999
①100 – 900整百位数 – 由1 – 9后面加hundred(百)构成.
②101-999非整百位数 – 由“整百位数 + 整十位数 + 个位数”构成.
100 a/one hundred 101 one hundred and one
200 two hundred 232 two hundred and thirty-two
300 three hundred 320 three hundred and twenty
400 four hundred 444 four hundred and forty-four
500 five hundred 507 five hundred and seven
600 six hundred 621 six hundred and twenty-one
700 seven hundred 796 seven hundred and ninety-six
800 eight hundred 811 eight hundred and eleven
900 nine hundred 999 nine hundred and ninety-nine

一千 a/one thousand 五千 five thousand
一万 ten thousand 六万 sixty thousand
十万 a/one hundred thousand 九十万 nine hundred thousand
一百万 a/one million 四百万 four million
一千万 ten million 七千万 seventy million
一亿 one hundred million 三亿 three hundred million
十亿 a/one billion 二十亿 two billion