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英语翻译1.1.1 项目由来内蒙古达尔罕茂明安联合旗是一个以畜牧业为主的边境牧业旗,其经济、政治和文化中心百灵庙镇现在的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:29:59
1.1.1 项目由来
内蒙古达尔罕茂明安联合旗是一个以畜牧业为主的边境牧业旗,其经济、政治和文化中心百灵庙镇现在的供水水源地位于艾不盖盆地的种羊场一带,现有供水能力5000m3/d.根据包头市对达尔罕茂明安联合旗城镇发展规划,未来达尔罕茂明安联合旗和包头市白云鄂博区将合并为白云鄂博市,百灵庙镇为其市政府所在地.2020年城镇居民将达到7万人,需水量15000 m3/d.
为解决百灵庙镇规划饮水问题,原内蒙古自治区地质勘查项目招标委员会组织有关专家对“内蒙古自治区达尔罕茂明安联合旗百灵庙镇供水水文地质详查”项目进行了多方论证,认为达尔罕茂明安联合旗乌克忽洞盆地附近655km2范围内,有望建成日供水量10000 m3供水水源地的可能性.据此,原内蒙古自治区地质详查项目招标委员会办公室于2008年7月2日以2008-水勘1-7号文下发了“内蒙古自治区地质勘查项目招标委员会地质勘查项目任务书”,由我院承担了“内蒙古自治区达尔罕茂明安联合旗百灵庙镇供水水文地质详查”项目.
项目的总体目标是基本查明工作区水文地质条件,为达尔罕茂明安联合旗百灵庙镇寻找10000 m3/d的供水水源地,初步评价地下水资源,地下水允许开采量达到C级精度要求,为水源地初步设计提供依据.其具体任务是:
英语翻译1.1.1 项目由来内蒙古达尔罕茂明安联合旗是一个以畜牧业为主的边境牧业旗,其经济、政治和文化中心百灵庙镇现在的
1.1.1 origin project
Daerhanq is a border based on animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia pastoral flag, its economic, political and cultural centre of bailingmiaozhen is now located in the basin of the AI does not cover water supply source of sheep along the field, the existing water supply capacity of 5000m3/d. On the basis of baotou Daerhanq urban development planning, future Daerhanq and baotou baiyunebo area merged in Bayan OBO, bailingmiaozhen as its seat of municipal government. Urban residents in 2020 will reach 70,000 people need 15000 m3/d of water.
To address the bailingmiaozhen planning, drinking water, original geological prospecting in Inner Mongolia project tender organization of experts of the Commission on "Daerhanq bailingmiaozhen water supply hydrologic geology of Inner Mongolia detail" project was proof, that within the scope of 655km2 near the Daerhanq uher Hudag basin are expected to be completed daily supply possibility of 10000 m3 of water. Accordingly, the original Office of geological detail in Inner Mongolia project bidding Committee on July 2, 2008, 1-7 2008-water prospecting issued "geological exploration projects in geological prospecting in Inner Mongolia project bidding Committee assignments", borne by our "Inner Mongolia Daerhanq bailingmiaozhen water supply hydrologic geological detail".
1.1.2 objectives
The overall objective of the project is a basic hydrogeological conditions in identifying work areas, looking for 10000 for Daerhanq bailingmiaozhen of M3/d water, preliminary evaluation of groundwater resources, groundwater allowable withdrawal reach c-level accuracy requirements, to provide a basis for preliminary design of water source. Its specific tasks are:
1, the full collection, analysis and research work of meteorological, hydrological, geological, hydrogeological and other relevant information.
2, basic identifying basin geological structure of the tertiary aquifer conditions and spatial distribution and variation of water quantity, water quality.
3, basic identifying work fill diameter drainage conditions of groundwater in the region.
4, through the hydro-geological mapping, drilling, testing, and other means to determine the rich water section, select water supply sources, calculation and evaluation of groundwater resources