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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:36:17
Once upon a time, there was a farmer had a big cock. It is wearing a beautiful dress, crown son wearing red red. A pair of black stones like the eyes, walk along a road to Lyon prancing, sing very well. It took the master to wake up on time every day, by the master of love. But it's very proud. One day, it looked around. See a duck is short and ugly, cock like: "the world that something so ugly ah! How can I live together with them!" Then the duck shout: "Big Brother Big Brother cock, cock, and we play together!" The rooster said: "who and you these ugly eight strange playing!" Then he proudly walked away. It also has a look at the hen, feel the world no more beautiful than her own. It saw his house in the corner, but small and smelly, is inside and play and play, then the house to speak: "chicken eldest brother, you don't hit me, or you will have no house to live in." The rooster said: "I don't want you in this house! I want to live in high-rise buildings." And then he was gone, hen and duck to leave it all do not stay. He raised his head, like a chest, and strode ran outside. It saw the birds live in trees, singing, and dancing, it wants to: "the bird lives in the tree, I also want to live, it flew off a few times, fly to the tree, it think that live only noble. The rooster on the branches, puffed up singing, suddenly accidentally from the tree fell under the tree in the river. Big cock slapped the water wings, loud call: "help me! Help me!" The duck to hear the cry, hurriedly to swim to the rooster's side, picked up big cock. This big cock body wet, covered in mud. Low head, not to say a word, and ducks at the back, back to the original house. 再答: 从前,有一位农民养了一只大公鸡。它穿着一身漂亮的衣服,头上戴着火红火红的冠儿。有一双像黑宝石的眼睛,走起路来昂首阔步,唱起歌来非常好听。它每天按时把主人叫醒,受到主人的喜爱。但是它十分的骄傲。   一天,它看了看四周。看见鸭子又矮又丑,公鸡想:“世界上那有这么丑的东西呀!我怎么能同它们住在一起呀!”这时鸭子喊:“公鸡大哥,公鸡大哥,和我们一起玩吧!”公鸡说:“谁与你们这些丑八怪玩呀!”说完就骄傲地走开了。它又看看母鸡,觉得世界上没有比自己更美的了。   它看见自己的房子在角落里,而且又小又臭,就在里面又踢又打,这时房子说话了:“鸡大哥,你不要打我了,要不然你就没有房子住了。”公鸡说:“我才不要你这个房子呢!我要住高楼大厦。”说完就走了,母鸡和鸭子留它都留不下来。   他抬起头,挺着胸,大步地跑到外面。它看见小鸟住在树上,又是唱歌,又是跳舞,它想:“小鸟住在树上,我也要住,它就飞了几次,飞到了树枝上,它觉得这样住得才高贵。   大公鸡在树枝上,趾高气扬的唱着歌,突然一不小心从树上落到了树下的小河里。大公鸡用翅膀拍打着河水,大声的呼叫:“救命呀!救命呀!”鸭子听到叫声连忙游到大公鸡的身旁,救起了大公鸡。这时大公鸡身上湿淋淋的,全身是泥。低着头,一句话也不说,跟在鸭子后面,回到原来的房子里。
再答: 亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。
再问: 只有6句
再答: 嗯嗯,好
再答: Once upon a time, there was a farmer had a big cock. It is wearing a beautiful dress, crown son wearing red red. A pair of black stones like the eyes, walk along a road to Lyon prancing, sing very well. It took the master to wake up on time every day, by the master of love. But it's very proud.
再答: 从前,有一位农民养了一只大公鸡。它穿着一身漂亮的衣服,头上戴着火红火红的冠儿。有一双像黑宝石的眼睛,走起路来昂首阔步,唱起歌来非常好听。它每天按时把主人叫醒,受到主人的喜爱。但是它十分的骄傲。
再问: 谢谢给你采纳