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used to 和be used to的区别

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:28:08
used to 和be used to的区别
used to 和be used to的区别
一、在英国英语中传统上把used to看作是情态动词,因此,它的疑问式应当是:Used +主语+to sth.?否定式应当是used not to或use(d)n't to.但是,在美国英语中,人们把used to看作是实义动词,因此,它的疑问式是:Did +主语+use to do sth.?否定式是:主语+didn't use...由于受到美国英语的影响,甚至在英国英语中,人们也很少使用“Used...+主语+to...”这种疑问式,而使用“Did +主语+use...”这一疑问式.例如:
①Did they use to play football?他们过去踢足球吗?
②Did you use to smoke?你过去吸烟吗?
③Did you use to take long walks in the countryside?你过去在农村经常进行长距离的散步吗?
二、在带有used to的陈述句后面,附加疑问句中一般要使用功能词did.但是,在附加疑问句中也可以用used.例如:
①He used to smoke,didn't he?
②They usedn't to like opera,did they?
They didn't use to like opera,did they?
They used not to like opera,did they?
③You used to live in Wuhan,usedn't you?
④You used to like wine,use(d)n't you?
三、used to的否定形式的一般问句常有以下两种.例如:
Didn't you use to live near me?
Usen't you to live near me?你过去不住在我附近吗?
四、used to指的是过去的习惯性动作,目的在于与现在形成对照,如:I used to work hard.是说“我过去常常努力工作.”暗含的意义是:我现在不努力工作了.在表示过去的习惯性这一点上,与would的意义相同(只不过used to既可用于表示过去的习惯动作,又可用于表示过去的状态.would只能用于表示过去习惯性的动作).从形态上看used to是个情态动词,其中的to是不定式符号,后面跟动词原形.例如:
When I was a child,I would get up early.
People used to(不用would)believe the earth was flat.过去人们认为地球是平的.
I used to like swimming.
When I was a child,I used to(不用would)like swimming.
误:My elder brother would be a PLA man.He is now a teacher.
正:My elder brother used to be a PLA man. He is now a teacher.
五、be(get,become)used to结构在意义上相当于accustomed to“习惯于”,从形态上看,used是个分词型形容词,to是介词,因此后面只能跟名词、代词或动名词.例如:
They got used to living in the countryside.他们已习惯于住在农村.
I've got used to being a vegetarian.我已经习惯吃素食.
He is used to hard work.他习惯于艰苦工作.
六、be used to表示“习惯于某事”的状态,而get used to则表示由“不习惯”到“习惯于”这一动态的过程,意思是:“(变得)习惯于”;“开始习惯于”.试比较:
He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two years.在那里住两年后,他已习惯了寒冷的天气.
I think it is a bit difficult for you to get used to the humid weather here.我想,让你习惯于这里潮湿而炎热的天气有点困难.
You'll soon get used to living in the country.很快你就会习惯于住在乡下了.
七、有时be used to是动词use的被动语态,在这种结构里,to是不定式符号.例如:
A metal bar was used to force the door open.用金属棒把门撬开.
The threshing ground was used to hold a mass meeting.打谷场曾用于举行群众大会.
八、be used to与be accustomed to的区别:前者一般用于指自然而然地成为习惯,后者常常用于指通过努力而成为习惯.试比较:
I am used to teaching English.我对教英语已习惯了.
Mrs Smith was not accustomed to leaving home during the winter.史密斯夫人不习惯冬天出门.
I am accustomed to taking coffee.我习惯了喝咖啡.