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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 08:33:49
他(教父)(需要很威严,他是一家之长,他支撑着整个科里昂家族,他用冷酷的眼神注视着每个亲吻他手背,呼唤他教父的人,他总是有这句话 --I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.他总是先用金钱解决问题,之后才是暴力,而一旦暴力,就血腥到底,就好比那个血泠泠的马头.然而他的温柔更让人感触,他与夫人的舞蹈,他因为小儿子的缺席而拒绝照相.
He (the godfather) (need very dignified,he is a long,he supported the division of family,with Lyon callous eyes staring at each kiss him,calling him the godfather,he always has this sentence,I 'm yours alone with an offer as you can t he always refuse to use money to solve the problem,after is violence,and violent bloody end,once the blood LingLing,like the horsehead.However,he's more let a person feel soft,he and his wife,his son for the dance of absences refused to take photos.