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谁能赶快的给我一篇关于奥运的英语作文 字数60-80,要有翻译拜托各位大神

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 13:31:03
谁能赶快的给我一篇关于奥运的英语作文 字数60-80,要有翻译拜托各位大神
谁能赶快的给我一篇关于奥运的英语作文 字数60-80,要有翻译拜托各位大神
2008年北京奥运是中国的大喜之年,在2008新年的第一天,我悄悄的在子夜里默对长空许了个诚挚的愿——希望自己今年在奥运前夕能够有十足的好运气,通过自己的努力,可以让自己参加比赛、活动的文章一路过五关、斩六将的夺得两个或三个前往北京观看奥运会的奖项.我知道今年是奥运年,一定会有很多具备相当实力的大企业、大商家利用“奥运”来做经营发展与广告宣传的大文章,而各种营销策划活动对绝大多数参与者来说,最有吸引力的当然也就是能够获得前往北京观赏奥运会比赛的实物奖励了.我之所以希望能够获得两个或三个奖项,是想——如果有两个奖项的话,就让一辈子还没有出过省、更遑论到过北京的父亲和母亲到首都去开开眼界,现场感受一下北京奥运、奥运北京;如果老天可怜见,能够更幸运的获得三个奖项的话,我就陪着父亲、母亲一起前去北京,观看和感受奥运固然重要,但照料从未远离我身边的父亲、母亲才是我的出行重心!而眼看奥运会开幕在即,只有短短的两个月时间了,遗憾的是,至今为止,四处出击、奋力争取的我只在三月底获得了一个前往北京观看奥运会比赛的机会——并且,这个奖励机会是活动主办方要求不能转让的——这对我而言,就真的成为了“向左走、向右走”的左右为难的问题:我自己不愿去而愿陪伴只能在家看电视的父母亲,但父母亲肯定又不希望我放弃与错过这个千载难逢的机会……2008 Beijing Olympics is China's Daxi year, the New Year in 2008 on the first day, I quietly in the silent night of the vast sky promised a sincere wish to - in the hope that this year the eve of the Olympic Games can have every good fortune, Through their own efforts, can allow themselves to participate in competitions, the article passed by a five-clearance, killing the six will win two or three Olympic Games to Beijing to watch the awards. I know that this is Olympic year, there will be a considerable strength of the many large enterprises and businesses use the "Olympics" to do business development and advertising of the article, and various marketing activities planned for the vast majority of participants , The most attractive of course, is that it can get to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games in kind of reward. The reason why I want to get two or three awards, is to - if there are two awards, it has not let all his life to the province, let alone have been to Beijing's father and mother to the capital to open an eye-opener, the scene Feelings of the Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing Olympics if God Kelian Jian, the more fortunate of the three awards were the case, I would accompany his father, mother went to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games and feelings are important, but care has never been far From the side of my father, my mother is the focus of the trip! Seeing the imminent opening of the Olympic Games, only a short period of two months time, unfortunately, so far, four out, I can only strive to win in the end was a visit to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games - and that this opportunity to reward Event organizers request is not transferable - for me, really become the "walk left, the right to the" dilemma of the problem: I am reluctant to go to and be willing to accompany a parent at home watching TV Mothers, but parents certainly do not want me to give up and miss this golden opportunity……