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英语翻译There is a new type of small advertisement becoming incr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 06:35:03
There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns.It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”,although it does not offer anyone a job,and sometimes it appears among “situations wanted”,although it is not placed by someone looking for a job,either.What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.
“Contact us before writing your application”,or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history”,is how it is usually expressed.The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is,of course,a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment.It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history),with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.
There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application.“Just put down your name,address,age and whether you have passed any exams”,was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school.The letter was really just for openers,it was explained,everything else could and should be saved for the interview.And in those days of full employment the technique worked.The letter proved that you could write and were available for work.Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.
Later,as you moved up the ladder,something slightly more sophisticated was called for.The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest.It might be the aggressive approach.“Your search is over.I am the person you are looking for”,was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded.Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job interview.
There is no doubt,however,that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.
英语翻译There is a new type of small advertisement becoming incr
有一种新型的小广告报纸分类列中日趋普及.有时放之间"情况空置 」 虽然它并不提供任何人一份的工作,有时会出现在"情况下希望",虽然它不放在被人也在寻找一份的工作.它是做什么的就是提供求职的帮助.
"我们联系写入应用程序之前",或"我们多年的经验,在准备您的简历或作业的历史记录的生成使用,"是如何它通常表示.生长和明显的成功,这类专业的服务,当然是,在现时失业率高企的思考.也是与这项建议,它现在可能有资格作为其本身的一种艺术形式,简历 (或作业历史记录),日趋重要的指示.
有一段时间,求职人士只需写申请信."只是写下你的名字地址、 年龄及是否你已经通过任何考试",是关于申请第一份工作,当我离开学校的青少年提供的意见的平均水平.这封信是真的只是为开放剂,一切可能,应将其保存面试.与那些日子全民就业的技术工作.这封信证明您可以编写,可用于工作.您渴望的脸和智能回复吗其余部分.