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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 08:38:39
Today I attended an online counselling workshop for those in China who are coming to UK for study later this year. We talked about what’s UK like from a personal perspective, as well as what it’s like in the UK for a student from another country. Inevitably, “cultural shock” was something many students and, more so, their parents asked about.

Cultural shock, according to Wikipedia, “describe the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country. It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture, causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not.”

For me personally, there were of course many cultural shocks that I came across four years ago when I set my foot on this country. In fact, there are still some from time to time even today. Even for someone like me, from Shanghai, would have some cultural shocks when I go to Beijing, let alone this is two totally different countries we’re talking about.

Here, I just want to share with you some from my personal experiences.
Actually,in China,western food has already become ordinary and popular in recent years.Also,more and more Chinese have started to enjoy imported fruit,cars and other things after the country became a member of the World Trade Organization.At the same time,more and more challenges and opportunities have come as well as culture shock.
So what is culture shock?The generation gap is a good example.Sometimes Chinese parents don't understand their children.They enjoy rock and pop songs instead of Beijing Opera, they eat ham burgers instead of steamed bread,they act without inhibition and they wear strange and light music clothes.
Think about computers and the net.Many of us have computers of our own.This great invention has sped up the development of the whole world.Communication has become a much easier thing.E-mail and net-business have been a great help to all of us.Many young people start to learn computer skills at a very early age.We live in the age of information.We are realistic,modern and international,of course this is not a bad thing,but have you noticed that our traditional culture is facing a great challenge?
Take cartoons for example.I'm a super cartoon fan,but those that I usually enjoy are from Japan or produced by the Disney company.Few of them are Chinese.Think about the popular movies we usually talk about and think about Titanic,Lord of the Ring,Harry Potter and so on.But what about our old stories?They are being forgotten.This situation seems to be more common among the teens and young people.But what I want to say is“Traditional culture does play an important role in every Chinese's life.”Why do I say so?Because every country and district has its own culture.The world has become more colorful because of the differences.If one day people all over the world speak the same language,eat the same thing and wear the same clothes,it's hard to imagine how awful the world would be.
Have you seen the World Cup?I'm sure you have.Besides the exciting games,do you remember the embrace of the Irish team and the wonderful dance from Senegal,the samba of the Brazilian heroes?I am sure you do.I'm sure the Korean team's team work impressed you a lot.The different cultures have made our World Cup more attractive,the great teams and their own cultures had impressed the whole world.Am I right?
Now I want to say that although we are facing culture shock,we can't lose sight of our own culture.One is poor without his personality.A nation is poor without its culture.I know China is a great nation with a long history and specail culture.Don't think that it is out of date,because we can see its great potential for study through the old surface.
There is still a lot for us to discover and create.As a member of WTO,China and its traditional sectors are facing great challenges.But if we make the most use of them,they are still competitive,aren't they?
英语翻译对于我来说,我觉得竞争是比较有益的.它的有益表现在很多方面,比如,当人们处在竞争环境中时,首先要确保自己头脑清醒 老年人的英文在英语中,老年人有很多不同的说法,比如:pensioner(pension是退休金的意思,pensioner 每个人都可以谈论关于英语的各个方面,比如英语单词,口语,电影等希望大家能一起进步 关于作文方面的问题.最近快要中考了,想在作文方面有所提高,我想问的是:比如写以快乐为中心的一个题,我可以引用快乐的一个故 英语翻译我在平时有很多的业余爱好,喜欢跳舞和模特.还喜欢一些体育运动.比如打羽毛球,网球和慢跑等.我是一个自信,外向,热 英语翻译英汉两语分别属于不同的语系.两者在运用、语法特征、句子结构甚至思维、表达习惯等很多方面都存在很大差异. 想看些哲学方面的书,德国的不错,有很多大家比如黑格尔,康德,尼采,叔本华等人,但是后面两个又太悲观, 关于爱情方面的短语谁知道哪里有爱情方面的短语啊,比如怎么思念一个人啊之类的. 我的作文偏题了吗?写的是我从()中学到了语文 我写的是从生活中学到了语文 写了很多个方面 比如看书听歌 帮忙写篇骂人的作文我寝室中有一个室友,我以前帮了他很多忙还把他当朋友,他既然在我妈妈面前说我坏话,而且说的很赃,请你们写 我该上初一了,据说初中的课程很多,听朋友说,初中的英语、数学等也挺难的,我在小学的成绩不错,想请教一下大家(有这方面经验 下面这道题怎么写?提示:在表达“数量很多”的意思时,人们往往会在词语中加上“百” “千” “万”等,比如,“千叮咛万嘱咐