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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 18:37:11
My friends always take me as a listener, whatever happens, happy or sorrow, it has been formed a habbit for them to come and talk to me. I appreciate it very much, since whenever I am being the listener to share with them their feelings or even sometimes I have to give adices and conforms, I definitely realise my own existence, which gives me also a tip top experience, and with the accumulation of this kind of experience, different people with different experiences and happenings, I feel more real-life.
In fact, it is very happy to be trusted, and also to share the same feelings that people have and finaly form a common feeling make myself a more honest vitality. Moreover, as a human being, we are also hoping to find out the theories in our life, and nothing is better than being a mental consultant when you want to reach such living theories. Point by point, step by step, and stage by stage, the more theories we get, the more mature we would become, it makes our experience rich and enlarge our own world, the richer and stronger we become, the more stable we stand/feel.
In my opinion, the highest level that human being is chasing for is 'purity' which comes with the procedure of 'nothing-something-everything-nothing', when you experience all those complexities and finally transcend off and return to ignorance, you get 'purity'. I set 'purity' my final aim before I reach my own self-realization, to accomplish it, I have to face the diversified society with all those human social affairs and from this complicated world, I need to work out the simplest theory. And mental consulting leads to such theories easily, from the actual cases and from the inquiriers, I could somtimes hit the point of the feeling and feel what they feel and suddenly find there lies the theory, by doing so, I could feel a fierce feeling of a self-realization,therefore to be a mental consultant is the best position to reach my own self-realization. And it's also the best way to learn life and accumulate experience.
英语翻译“我常常幻想未来的景象,梦想自己可能会成为的角色,或许是诗人、预言者、画家等等.然而这些都不算什么.我存在的意义 星星,请听我说把星星当成是一个倾诉的对象,可以说自己的烦恼,可以说自己的理想,也可以说对星空的向往.述说时请注意对象的特 英语翻译我们应该学会在别人说话的时候倾听,并且不要插嘴,来表达对他人的尊重,这样就会成为一个好的倾听者 英语翻译1当我因失败感到悲伤时,我的父母总是在我身边帮助我.2当我快乐时,我的父母和我一起分享快乐.3我的父母总把最好的 麻烦帮我改一下作文,当我们帮助别人时,别人的心里会感到温暖,而别人帮助我们时,我们的心中也同样会感到安慰.我曾经就遇到过 英语翻译1.我很幸运可以跟他成为朋友!2.当我最失落时,他总是在我身边安慰我! 英语翻译强迫自己在我读中学的时候,我就觉得我应该写点什么.我时常感到自己看到听到的东西总是窝在心里,胀得难受.可每次坐下 为什么藏羚羊会成为偷猎者的对象? 英语翻译我是一个乐于助人的人,我觉得乐于助人会让我感到快乐和幸福.在学校日时,当同学不小心摔倒我会去帮助他并且安慰他;当 英语翻译如果,你在我身边就好了,因为我已经把你当成朋友,希望能够和你分享我的一切.在我难过的时候,能够陪我喝几杯威士忌, 英语翻译因为当我难过和困惑的时候,我可以找我的朋友倾诉.她会给我一些很好的建议.当我孤单的时候我也会找我的朋友聊天.我们 英语翻译当你把快乐和朋友分享的时候,你就会有两倍的快乐,当你把悲伤和朋友分享的时候,你就悲伤就会减半-------高尔基