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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 05:29:28
2.是我的终究是我的`我终归是你的一个过客 `你始终不爱我`注定我和你就是什么都不会发生` 注定`注定只是注定`不管我怎么跨越 不管我怎么想靠近你 `你还是会离开我的`我好想你`好想好想你`好想好想见你》
1.I thought the small birds can’t fly over the sea,
because the birds hasn't the courage to fly over the sea.
Ten years later I found it not small birds can't fly over the sea,
But the sea of that one,There is no long wait .
2.Is I is my eventually ,I after all am your traveler ,
You will always not like my `being doomed I and you are anything will
not have `to be doomed `to be doomed only will be are doomed `,
no matter how I will surmount no matter how I do want to approach
your `you to leave my `I well to think that your `good wants good to
think your `good wants good to infer you"