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Newsweeks 2006年刊 翻译一篇brief的短文

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Newsweeks 2006年刊 翻译一篇brief的短文
As a manager,you are required to withstand the criticism when decisions don't turn out
to be popular.Managing leadership is managing blame. Sometimes you look like a fool or don't express yourself as well. Sometimes people criticize or say tha you are too confident.You have to accept that,not beacuase you like it but because you know it comes with being a leader.
when I first got to Brown University ,I came up with a package of ideas centering around my plan for enriching academic performance. It appeared to some people to be reaching too far,and not to be practical.It took Marshaling lots of group to accomplish it. Brown had not been need-blind(与资金需求无关的) for admission, so much of the community wanted it to be need- blind, because that's the kind of place we are. We believe in fairness of opportunity. We wanted to be able to offer chance to any student who is deserving.And the first thing that I did,which I always advocate that leaders do , was to understand and appeal to the culture and the most enthusiastic desires of the place. Although people were very doubtful about whether we could afford to be need-blind,it was so emotional and so important that the commuity eventually agreed we should try to do it.And,of course ,it wasn't very difficult to accomplish in the end.
为了大家写出跟好的 翻译, 说明几点.
1.need-blind,要了解美国的community university .美国大多没钱支付学费却有能力的,或高考失利的学生一般都上了community university . 这类大学便宜. 但毕业后如果成绩够好 可以继续转去一流大学就读.但这类学校学费高,就阻止了一批学生的就学,所以就提出了need-blind的admission(录取)政策.
2.文中的place 我查了下 ,我觉得这里的意思应该是 求学机会;进修机会;入学名额,当然我不确定.
Newsweeks 2006年刊 翻译一篇brief的短文
作为一名经理,当决定被证明不受欢迎的时候,你需要忍受批评.管理你的领导地位就是管理谴责.有时候你看起来像个傻子,或者也没有很好地表达你自己.有时候,人们批评或者会说你太过自信.你必须接受那些,不是因为你喜欢这样,而是因为你知道它会使你成为一位领导者.当我第一次进入 Brown University,我想出了一堆围绕着我提高学院成就的计划的主意,这对很多人来说显得很遥远,而且也不实际. 完成它让Marshaling付出了很多.Brown还不是实行部分免费的录取政策,尽管有非常多的公众希望它实行这种政策,但是因为那是我们的地盘.我们相信机会是公平的.我们希望能够为每个值得的学生提供机会.我做的第一件事(我总是拥护领导的做法)就是去理解和呼吁实行这种政策文化和对这样的地方最热心的渴望.尽管人们很怀疑我们是否能够承担得起免费录取,但是它是如此地令人激动和重要以至于公众认为我们应该试着去做一做.并且,当然,最重要完成它也不会很难.