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英语翻译14“There’s just nothing happening in sports like tennis

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 17:27:52
14“There’s just nothing happening in sports like tennis and golf,” said Steve Kaufman,a 44-year-old Manhattan bill collector who scuba dives in his spare time.According to him,the only people who come close to the experience of scuba divers are astronauts “because they’re in a totally alien environment,too.” Kaufman describes his sport as “a total isolation from anything that can interfere with your own personal sense of self.”
15(Para.7) Why do people willingly seek out danger?According to Dr.George Serban,associate professor of clinical psychiatry at New York University,most men do it to prove their masculinity.
16“The nature of the male animal is to undertake dangerous tasks and to confront them and to succeed,” Dr.Serban said.When life becomes boring and routine,” Serban says,and men do not have a chance for adventure or a chance to prove their masculinity,the only other possibility for them is to undertake dangerous activities.
17 Eric D.Rosenfeld,a 43-year-old Manhattan layer who has been climbing mountains for 20years,spoke of the habit-forming nature of his sport.“It’s quite addictive,” he says.“You get addicted to the risk factor.”
18 People in the United States spend over $2 billion a year on nonprescription pain relievers.Although effective,these pain relievers are not without problems.
19 There are over 100 brands,and most come in various forms (for example,tablets or capsule) and various strengths (such as regular and extra strength).
20 If you are alone,press the thumb of one hand against the tender spot in the “V” formed by the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.
21 Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars—as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury.
22 But in reality,the odds of winning the lottery are very small.In fact,you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to become an instant millionaire.
23 They also recommend getting a good lawyer and financial advisor.To win the lottery you only need luck,but to manage the changes in your life that come with the jackpot,you need lots of planning and good advice.
24 Our pleasure centers need a minimum level of stimulation to function.Love lowers this level.When we’re in love,it takes less stimulation to give us pleasure.That’s why everything feels possible when you’re in love,why everything looks rosy.
25 You need newness,sharing,and growth.My wife changed careers lately.We shared that.She gave me a lot of ideas for this book.We were able to share that…The brain has to experience a change,or there will be no excitement.
26 Not everyone was that fortunate.In one apartment complex that was not fortified with steel,the second and third floors collapsed onto the first floor,trapping and killing many residents.
英语翻译14“There’s just nothing happening in sports like tennis
14 " ,有的只是没有发生像体育网球和高尔夫球,说: "史蒂夫考夫曼,一名44岁的曼哈顿催债人水肺潜水,在他的闲暇时间.据他说,只有人接近的经验,水肺潜水是太空人" ,因为他们都在一个完全陌生的环境,过于"考夫曼形容他的体育运动作为"完全脱离任何能够干扰自己的个人自我约束意识" .
15 (第7段)为什么人家心甘情愿地找出危险?据医生乔治serban ,副教授,临床精神病学于纽约大学,大多数男人这样做,以证明他们的男性气概.
16 "的性质以及雄性动物是承担危险任务,以及面对这些挑战并取得成功, "博士serban说.当生活变得沉闷和例行的" serban说,男人没有机会为探险或有机会证明自己的男子气概,只是另一种可能性,他们是同步进行危险活动.
17埃里克四Rosenfeld的,一个43岁的曼哈顿层已被山上,为二十年,也谈到了这个习惯,形成自然的,他的体育运动. "这是相当令人上瘾的, "他说. "你上瘾的危险因素" .
19日有超过100个品牌,而大部分来以各种形式(如片剂或胶囊)及各种优点(例如定期的和额外的力量) .
20 ,如果你是单独一中,按下拇指的,一方面对投标现场,在" V "字组成,由拇指和食指的另一方面.
22 ,但在现实中,胜出的几率彩票是很小的.事实上,你更容易被击中受雷击而不是成为一个瞬间成为百万富翁.
25 ,你需要新奇性,分享与成长.我的妻子改变了择业近来.我们赞同这一点.她给我很多的想法,为这本书.我们也能分享这…脑部有一个改变,或将不会有任何的激动之情.
26并非每个人的是幸运.在一间公寓,这是不坚固的钢,在二楼和三楼倒塌,走上二楼,捕获和杀害,许多居民 .