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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 17:29:11
1.你给花浇水了吗?2.我今天有许多琐事要做,所以不能和你一起去看电影了.3.李雷,能和我一起去拜访马力吗?----我很想去,但恐怕现在我得去遛狗.4.请点着火,该做晚饭了 5.Mary 家住在乡村,她每天都要到井里汲水.6.谁是你最喜欢的影星?7.她是一个害羞的女孩,所以不敢再别人面前唱歌.8.他们迫不及待地站了起来.9.我渴了,我感觉想喝杯水.10.瓶子里还有水吗?
1)Have you watered the flowers?2)I've got a lot of incidents to do.So I cannot go to the cinema with you.3)Hello Lilei!Could you pay a visit to MaLi with me?I'd like to,however I'll have to walk my dog now.4)Please make fire to cook.5)Mary lives in the countryside,she draws water from the well everyday.6)Who's your favourite film star?7)She's a shy girl.not daring to sing to the public.8)They stood up immediately.9)I feel thirsty,I want to drink a cup of water.10)Is there any water in the glass?