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第22题 Reading Comprehension (20%)Read the following passage c

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:42:33
Reading Comprehension (20%)
Read the following passage carefully and then judge whether the statements are true or false
by writing T or F.
1 There seems to be a general assumption that brilliant people cannot stand routine; that
they need a varied,exciting life in order to do their best.It is also assumed that dull
people are particularly suited for dull work.We are told that the reason the present-day
young protest so loudly against the dullness of factory jobs is that they are better
educated and brighter than the young of the past.
2 Actually,there is no evidence that people who achieve much crave for,let alone live,
eventful lives.The opposite is nearer the truth.One thinks of Amos the sheepherder,
Socrates the stonemason,Omar the tentmaker.Jesus probably had his first revelations while
doing humdrum carpentry work.Einstein worked out his theory of relativity while serving as
a clerk in a Swiss patent office.Machiavelli wrote The Prince and the Discourses while
immersed in the dull life of a small country town where the only excitement he knew was
playing cards with muleteers at the inn.Immanuel Kant’s daily life was an unalterable
routine.The housewives of Konigsberg set their clocks when they saw him pass on his way to
the university.He took the same walk each morning,rain or shine.The greatest distance
Kant ever traveled was sixty miles from Konigsberg.
3 The outstanding characteristic of man’s creativeness is the ability to transmute trivial
impulses into momentous consequences.The greatness of man is in what he can do with petty
grievances and joys,and with common physiological pressures and hungers.“When I have a
little vexation,” wrote Keats,“it grows in five minutes into a theme for Sophocles.” To
a creative individual all experience is seminal --- all events are equidistant from new
ideas and 10insights --- and his 11inordinate humanness shows itself in the ability to make
the trivial and common reach an enormous way.
第22题 Reading Comprehension (20%)Read the following passage c