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英文翻中文 the rise of apple

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 15:21:50
英文翻中文 the rise of apple
This is a tablet computer that attempts to combine the computing power of a laptop with the portability and usability of a smartphone.
The first quarter of 2010 proved to be the most successful yet for the iPhone,showing that Apple will not become a victim toa tougher economic climate .【a tougher economic climate是什么意思】
The economist and blogger Mark J.Perry writes that if someone who bought a $5,700 Apple PowerBook in 1997 had spent that money on Apple stock instead,it would now be worth $321,000 .【句子结构分析下】
Many link Apple's rise to the guile and foresight of its CEO,Steve Jobs.Jobs was forced out of the company in the 1980s but he was brought back a decade later to reverse its fortunes.【rise to 该怎么翻 句子结构解释下】
It is a sign of the importance of Jobs to the company that when his health took a turn for the worse last year,Apple's share prices fluctuated.
Now Steve Jobs is fighting fit again but even he is not immune to frustrating computer problems.At the launch of the iPhone 4,he appeared in his trademark blue jeans and black turtleneck.When he tried to get the new gizmo to access the internet a notice appeared on the screen:"Cannot open page.Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the Internet".
英文翻中文 the rise of apple
经济学家Mark J. Perry 在他的博客中写道,如果一个人在1997年花了5700美元买的不是强力笔记本电脑,而是苹果公司的股票的话,那么现在它将价值321,000美元. {that if someone who bought a $5,700 Apple PowerBook in 1997 had spent that money on Apple stock instead, it would now be worth $321,000 .是一个宾语从句; if someone who bought a $5,700 Apple PowerBook in 1997 had spent that money on Apple stock instead, it would now be worth $321,000 是一个条件状语从句;who bought a $5,700 Apple PowerBook in 1997 是一个修饰someone的定语从句.}
很多人将苹果公司的快速发展与它的CEOSteve Jobs的狡猾与远见联系在一起.乔布斯在20世纪80年代被赶出了公司,但是在十年后,他又被买了回来,并且改变了苹果的命运.
(其实是link sth. to sth.的结构,而不是rise to.然后就是用but引导的并列句嘛~to reverse its fortunes是目的状语.)
现在,Steve Jobs又恢复了健康,但即使是这样他也不能避免在电脑产业中的沮丧局面.在iPhone 4的新品发布会上,他穿着他标志性的黑色圆领毛衣和蓝色牛仔裤登场.当他试着用一个新的小发明来接入因特网时,屏幕上出现了一个提示:网页无法打开.由于没有连接到因特网,网页无法运行.