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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 04:31:17
The culture
The culture of the United Kingdom is rich and varied, and has been influential on culture on a worldwide scale.
It is a European state, and has many cultural links with its former colonies, particularly those that use the English language (the Anglosphere). The origins of the UK as a political union of formerly independent states has resulted in the preservation of distinctive cultures in each of the home nations.
Although today one of the more 'secularised' states in the world, the United Kingdom is traditionally a Christian country, with two of the Home nations having official faiths:
Anglicanism, in the form of the Church of England, is the Established Church in England. The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Presbyterianism (Church of Scotland) is the official faith in Scotland.
The Anglican Church in Wales was disestablished in 1920.
The Anglican Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1871.
Other religions followed in the UK include Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism. While 2001 census information [2] suggests that over 75 percent of UK citizens consider themselves to belong to a religion, Gallup International reports that only 10 percent of UK citizens regularly attend religious services, compared to 15 percent of French citizens and 57 percent of American citizens. A 2004 YouGov poll found that 44 percent of UK citizens believe in God, while 35 percent do not [3]. The disparity between the census data and the YouGov data has been put down to a phenomenon described as "cultural Christianity", whereby many who do not believe in God still identify with the religion they were bought up as, or the religion of their parents.
圣公会是disestablished 1920年在威尔士.
爱尔兰是英国圣公会的disestablished 1871年.
在英国的其他宗教的跟踪,包括伊斯兰教,印度教和佛教的锡克教、犹太教.虽然在2001年人口普查资料表明,在文[2]的英国公民有75%的人认为自己属于一种信仰,盖洛普报道说只有百分之十的英国公民定期参加宗教活动,与之相比,有15%的法国公民和57%的美国公民.YouGov 2004年的调查发现,44%的英国居民信奉上帝,而百分之35不要[3].人口普查数据之间的差异,YouGov数据被放下现象称为“文化”,许非常多,艺术设计多爱好艺术的确是的人的确是的基督教仍然不相信神的宗教都认同,还是买起来的宗教的父母.