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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 07:25:59
The new principal decided he had better first take a secret inspection before doing something about class 5A,which was the worst class in Hill Valley High School.He didn't need to be informed where the class was,for terrible noises were leading the way.
The door was shut from inside.The lock it had was (34),or rather knocked off,just leaving a hole forthe principle.
Though the principle had (36) badly behaved classed before,what appeared through the (37) was still a shock for him.It was a scene that was often seen in action movies.But he new what to do.He (39) go into the classroom,take hold of the biggest boy and punished him.This would be an example to the others.
He took a deep breath and then (41) open the classroom door.He had been prepared for the scene that there should be a shock of (42),but few treated him as an important (43),and some even paid little attention to his existence.
"Slience!"he shouted at the top of his voice.This time it was really working.They stopped what they were doing and stared at him.Quickly he walked up to the oldest-lokking boy in the room,who he (46) had been playing an importantpart and also gad been shouting at others at the top of his voice.
He seized the boy by the ear and (47) him to the front of the class."I'm going to teach the class a good lesson,"he said."Now go to my office and wait for me."
Then the turned to the class and (48) them about how to behave in school.
TO end up his speech,he said:"Does anyone have any questions?"
One of the students put up her hand."sir,I have.When can you free teacher back to his class?"
34.A.disappearing B.closing C.destroying D.missing(我选D,括号内是我的答案)
36.A.experienced 还是 C.seen(A)
37.A.window 还是 D.hole(A)
39.B.should 还是C.would(C)
41.A.pushed 还是C.forced(A)
42.A.silence B.surprise C.cries D.cheers(C)
43.A.visitor B.principle C.role D.leader(C)
46.A.believed B.supposed C.imagined D.recognized(A)
47.B.pulled 还是C.ordered(A)
48.C.declared 还是D.lectured(D)
34.A.disappearing B.closing C.destroying D.missing(我选D,括号内是我的答案)√
36.A.experienced 还是 C.seen(A)X experience似乎很少跟人或团体作宾语,而且应该和后文(what appeared through )构成对比,appear和see是同一范畴的,构成对比更合理.
37.A.window 还是 D.hole(A)应选d,前文leaving a hole for the principle是一种提示,而且后文中的there should be a shock of silence也表明,校长不会站在窗口看,而是透过门洞往里看,只有这样才可能把他们吓一跳.
39.B.should 还是C.would(C)√
41.A.pushed 还是C.forced(A)X 参看前文中的The door was shut from inside以及He took a deep breath (为撞门或踹门做准备)以及后文there should be a shock of silence(吓了一跳的表现,push是不会产生这种心理预期的)
42.A.silence B.surprise C.cries D.cheers(C) X按常理,应该选择silence, 吵闹的人群听到突然的巨响后会一下子安静下来,而不会喊起来.而且没有a shock of cries这种说法.
43.A.visitor B.principle C.role D.leader(C) X 选A, 因为一般不说sb is a ……role. 同样也不说treat/regard sb as a ……role
46.A.believed B.supposed C.imagined D.recognized(A)√
47.B.pulled 还是C.ordered(A)√
48.C.declared 还是D.lectured(D)√