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英语翻译我能看懂5分之4,但是有些地方不是很明确.如下:You and my daughter Rachel have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 22:35:29
You and my daughter Rachel have much in common,and I think you will become good friends.She is hoping that you will want to try out for the school dance team with her,and that maybe you will have a class together.Mountain View High School is brand new - actually,it hasn't even opened yet!It is about 2 miles away,and you will either ride the school bus or I will drive you and Rachel,depending on what activities you are participating in.The school offers many,many activities,and you are welcome to join as many,or as few,as you would like.I thought perhaps you might be interested in chorus and the Environmental Club.Rachel was a cheerleader last year,for the 8th grade football team,but she was not picked this year,and we were very disappointed.Rachel and Sam are asleep now,as it is 1:15 AM my time right now.Is it Wednesday afternoon for you in China right now?School does not start until August 10th,but Rachel is taking two 9th grade classes now,Health,and Physical Education,over the summer,so that she will be able to take Orchestra,Dance,and Latin as elective classes in the fall.I hope you like to get up early,because high school will start at 7:30 AM and get out around 2 or 2:30 PM,which seems very early!
The city of Atlanta is about 30 miles away.It isn't as large as New York City,or Los Angeles,California - but it has many tall buildings,museums,the ballet,opera,many theatres,an aquarium,and all sorts of interesting things to do.We like to stay busy,so I am always looking for family activities for the weekends for us to participate in,such as a concert,art festival,new museum exhibit,and things like that.Lawrenceville is a suburb of Atlanta.Many people live in Lawrenceville and commute to Atlanta to work; however,I am fortunate enough to work for a national company that has its corporate headquarters just 5 miles away,and my husband Ben primarily works from his home office downstairs,which is where I am right now.(By the way,Ben works in computers,so there is usually 4 or 5 computers hooked up downstairs that you will be able to use for your homework and to keep in touch with your family.Do you have a web-cam or Skype?We have a relative that lives in Florida,but works in another country quite often,and we talk over the computer - and can see each other - on Skype.)
Our neighborhood is small,only about 85 homes.It is a nice mix of couples,families with school aged children,and older couples that have lived here since the neighborhood was built.We don't have a swimming pool in our subdivision,but we have a membership to the pool in Ben's old neighborhood.(After we got married,we rented his house out.But it is close by.)
英语翻译我能看懂5分之4,但是有些地方不是很明确.如下:You and my daughter Rachel have
你和我的女儿雷切尔有许多共同之处,我想你会成为好朋友.她希望你会想尝试的学校舞蹈队的她,也许你将有一个一流的合作.山景高中是全新的-实际上,它甚至还没有打开尚未!这是约2公里外,您将可以乘坐校车或我将驱动器和Rachel ,取决于哪些活动您参与以下的学校提供了许多,许多活动,我们也欢迎你加入许多,或作为少数几个,如您所想的.我想也许你可能会感兴趣的合唱和环境俱乐部.雷切尔是一个啦啦队队长,去年的第8级的足球队,但她没有选择,今年,我们感到非常失望.雷切尔和萨姆现在都睡着了,因为它是我的时间上午01时15分了.难道你今天下午在中国呢?学校没有开始,直到8月10日,但雷切尔是两个初三班现在,卫生和体育教育,在夏季,所以,她将能够采取乐团,舞蹈团和拉丁美洲作为选修课在秋季.我希望你要早起,因为高中开始,上午7时半左右,并获得了2个或下午2时30分,这似乎很早就!
在亚特兰大市约30英里的地方.这不是一样大,纽约市或美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶-但许多高楼大厦,博物馆,芭蕾舞,歌剧,许多剧院,水族馆,以及各种有趣的事情要做.我们要保持忙碌,所以我一直在寻找家庭活动的周末,我们参加,如音乐会,艺术节,新的博物馆展览,等等.Lawrenceville是亚特兰大郊区.许多人生活在Lawrenceville和通勤亚特兰大工作;但是,我幸运地工作,一个国家的公司,其公司总部仅5英里之外,和我的丈夫本主要工程办公室从他的家楼下,这就是我我现在.(顺便说一句,本工程的计算机,所以通常是4或5的计算机连接楼下,你将能够使用您的家庭作业,并随时保持联络与您的家人.你有一个网络摄像头或Skype 我们有一个相对的,生活在美国佛罗里达州,但在另一个国家的作品常常和我们谈的电脑-并能看到对方-对Skype .)
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