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牛津7b Module1 Unit 3 所有的词组啊 超急的 要有汉语!英语的!详

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 00:32:04
牛津7b Module1 Unit 3 所有的词组啊 超急的 要有汉语!英语的!详
牛津7b Module1 Unit 3 所有的词组啊 超急的 要有汉语!英语的!详
牛津初中英语7B UNIT 3 词组
1 follow sb 跟随某人 follow me 跟着我
2 Let’s go down / up here 让我们从这儿下/上
3 Don’t be afraid 别害怕
4 come with me 跟我来
5 go on an outing 出去玩
6 north-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北 south-east of 在……的东南 7 get a call 接到一个电话
8 live nearby 主在附近
9 drive to the zoo quickly 快速驾车到动物园
10 get out of / ( into) the car 下 / 上小汽车
11 at once / right now 立刻 ;马上
12 three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人
13 run out of the building 跑出大楼
14 ask somebody about something 问某人关于某方面的事
15 push…into… 把……推进……
16 drive away 开车逃走 run away 逃跑
17 try to do something 尽力做某事
18 fail to do something 做某事失败
19 take different routes 走不同的路线
take a route 走……的路线
take another route 走另一条路线
20 go along 6th street 沿着第六大街走
21 turn left into Park Road 左转进入公园路
22 run to the police station 跑向警察局
23 stop at the traffic lights 在交通灯处停下
24 stop doing something 停止做某事 stop to do something 停下来做某事
25 jump out of the van 跳出货车 jump into the river 跳进河里
26 be surprised to do something 做某事感到吃惊 be surprised at something 对某事吃惊
27 close the back /front door 关后/前门
28 in the end / at last 最后
29 at the end of the road 在路的尽头
30 be far (away) from 远离
31 at a crossroads 在十字路口
32 tell somebody about a story of 告诉某人关于……的故事
33 call somebody for help 打电话给某人请求帮助
34 road signs 路标
35 zebra crossing 斑马线
36 teach somebody how to read a map 教某人怎样识图
37 at the entrance of the zoo 在动物园的入口处
38 at the corner of the road 在马路的拐角处
39 cross the road 过马路
40 swim across the swimming pool 游过游泳池
41 go through a tunnel 穿过隧道
42 walk along the road 沿着马路走
43 climb up the hill 爬上山
44 walk around the table 围着桌子走
45 jump over the chair 跳过椅子
46 walk down the stairs 走下楼梯
47 tell me the way to the railway station 告诉我去火车站的路
48 walk up / down the steps 走上/下台阶
49 at the other side of the park 在公园的另一边
50 come out of the park 出公园
51 walk over the bridge 走过桥
53 take them to the Summer Palace 带他们去颐和园
54 join sb 加入某人 join us 加入我们
55 meet at the school gate 在校门口集合
56 take an umbrella 带一把雨伞
57 all day 整日 all night 整夜
58 start a campfire 升篝火
59 walk /go on 继续走
60 walk straight on 一直走
61 walk along /down the street 沿着街走
62 turn right / left (into …) 向右/左转进入….
63 take the second turning /(crossing / crossroads) on the right / left 在第二个拐弯处/十字路口向右/左转
64 turn right / left at the second turning / (crossing / crossroads)
65 walk across / (cross) the road at the traffic lights 在交通灯处过马路
66 walk past the supermarket 走过超市
67 walk towards the bridge 朝桥走过去
68 have a farewell party 举行告别会
69 have a picnic 举行野餐
70 have a barbecue 举行烧烤
71 half of the students 一半学生
72 look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事
73 take the underground 乘地铁
74 join the farewell party 参加告别会
75 walk past the Bank of China Building 走过中国银行大楼
76 send some postcards to his friends 给他的朋友们寄些明信片
77 all over the world 全世界