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英语翻译"Because of the topography,with the risk of Cypriot" is

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 13:30:57
"Because of the topography,with the risk of Cypriot" is the construction of the Great Wall,which is an important experience,the emperor of the time it is certainly down,Sima Qian it into the "Historical Records" are.Every subsequent construction of the Great Wall are a dynasty in accordance with the principles of this.All are built Guan City Pass merits in the choice between two mountain valleys,or at the turn of the river.Pingchuan or the necessary contacts,such险要can control,but also save manpower and materials,in order to meet the "one husband when customs million Fumo open the" effect.Build castles or towers also choose "to the Department Sigu" As for the construction of walls,but also to make use of the terrain,as if Juyongguan,Badaling Great Wall are on the back along the mountain building,and some lots from the walls looking very dangerous lateral and medial Zeshen was smooth,or "easy to defend and hard to attack" effect.Liaoning in the territory of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall Liaodong there is a town called Mountain dangerous walls,Pishan wall is steep wall of a cliff,a little on the cliff Piqiao to become the Great Wall.Many places use exclusively cliff cliffs,rivers,lakes,as a natural barrier,can be said to be true of the south pointing carriage
Ming in the "outside" of the Great Wall,the construction of the "edge" Great Wall and the "three " The Great Wall."Guan" to the Great Wall built by the Northern Qi Dynasty basis,starting from Inner Mongolia and Shanxi Pianguan at the junction of the west,the East via Yanmenguan,Ping-all related to Hebei,and then discount to the northeast.the source,Fangshan,Changping Zhuxian,Direct Juyongguan,and then from the north and east,Huairou to the four customs,and the "outside" Great Wall connecting to Zijinguan as the center,a generally north-south."Three-" The Great Wall in many places and "edge" Great Wall parallel,in some places,separated only two scores in the city.In addition,the construction of a large number of "heavy City." Yanmenguan area "heavy city" has as many as 24!
由于地形,与塞浦路斯的风险“是建造长城,这是一个重要的经验,天皇的时间肯定是下跌,到司马迁的”史记“的.以后每建设长城是一个王朝按照这一原则的.所有城市都建立关通行证是非曲直选择两个山谷之间,或在之交的河.平川或进行必要的接触,例如可以控制险要,而且还节省人力和材料,以满足“一个丈夫,海关万Fumo开放”的效果.建立城堡或塔也选择“部Sigu ”至于建造的城墙,而且还利用地形,如Juyongguan ,八达岭长城上沿山区建设,一些地段的墙壁看起来非常危险的侧面,内侧深光滑,或“易守难攻”的效果.辽宁省将在其境内的明代辽东长城有一个镇山危险墙壁,碧山墙墙的陡峭悬崖,有点上悬崖Piqiao成为长城.许多地方专用悬崖绝壁,河流,湖泊,作为天然屏障,可以说是真正的南方指着马车
明在“外部”的长城,建设“边缘”长城和“三”长城.“关” ,以长城兴建的北齐的基础上,从内蒙古,山西偏关交界处的西,东通过雁门关,平都与河北,然后折扣东北.来源,房山,昌平竹贤,直接Juyongguan ,然后由该国北部和东部,怀柔的四海关,与“外”长城连接Zijinguan为中心,一个普遍南北.“三个代表”长城在很多地方和“边缘”长城并行,在一些地方,只有两个分数失散的城市.此外,建造了大量的“重城.”雁门关区“重城”已多达24个!