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英语翻译-Somewhat On the Normal Side of town"Where the hell is t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:38:06
-Somewhat On the Normal Side of town
"Where the hell is that little Brat of Yours Rebecca" Paris peered out of her mother's closet as she heard him scream in a drunken rage.She was afraid and ashamed of herself at the same time.She wasn't a little kid,she was eighteen and still allowed her Mother's boyfriend to frighten her to death.
"I don't know Al she must be in the basement.Please just calm down she didn't mean to talk back to you Al.Come on I'll get you another beer from the Kitchen and you can tell me about your ass of a boss" She felt her heart slow it's pace as her mother had saved her once again and as she watched as her mother push him out the room,giving one final glance to the closet door.She knew her mother was ashamed of the situation she had put her daughter in but in her defense he was the only way they survived.Even if sometimes he almost kid them both."Yeah well when I get a hold of Paris she'll learn to have a little more respect for me".Paris pushed the closet door open quitely and tip-toed out.She slowly approached the mirror afarid of what she might see.
Al had come into the house drunk and started after her mother,and Paris as afarid of him as she was had to always step in to protect her mother.He'd been abusing Paris since she could remember so she was use to but she was too little to defend her mom when he came after her but not any more.Now she could step in and tell him to back off but that normally just got her in more trouble.He frowned as she looked at her almond color skin bruised and beautiful hazel eyes watered it wasn't as bad as usual but it still wasn't beautiful.Not as beauitful as the Movie stars that Paris longed to be the ones who graced the covers of the Magazines.She sighed as she walked away from the mirror,sliding to the floor.She pulled a magazine from under her mother's bed a secret kept between them.Al wouldn't spend a dime on her,so her mother would spend just a couple of dollars of the Grocery Money to buy her little things to make up for the rest.Who graced the Cover None other than Elizabeth Taylor she was so beautiful.Given Paris had never seen one of her movies,well she wasn't allowed to watch Televison at all.She was Paris' favorite Actress.She only wished she could escape this life and one day live like the rich and famous.They Had it so Easy.
英语翻译-Somewhat On the Normal Side of town
“你那烦人的小鬼丽贝卡到底在哪儿?” 听到他醉醺醺的怒喊,Paris从她母亲的衣柜向外窥看.她既害怕又为自己感到羞耻.十八岁,她不小了,可还是被她母亲的男朋友吓得要死.
”Al 我不知道,她一定在地下室吧.安静下好吗,她不是有意顶撞你.来吧,我从厨房给你再拿一瓶啤酒,你可以谈谈那个愚蠢的老板.“当母亲再次挽救她时,她觉得自己的心跳都慢了,她看见母亲把他推了出去,最后看了一眼衣柜门.她知道,她女儿造成的这种情境一定让她尴尬极了.但为保护自己,他也是唯一能让她们生存的人.即使有时他几乎杀了她们."好吧,等到让我抓到Paris 她就会学着对我尊重点儿.”Paris轻轻地推开衣柜门,踮起脚尖出来了.她轻轻地靠近镜子,害怕会看到什么.
Al 喝醉了走进房子,跟着母亲,Paris跟过去一样怕他,她总得插足保护妈妈.从Paris记事起,他就一直虐待她,她也习惯了.当他跟着母亲时她曾太小,无法保护她,但情况发生了变化.现在她可以介入,告诉他放开,但是一般总会陷入更大的麻烦.当她看着她杏仁色的皮肤满是伤痕,蓝褐色的眼中满是泪水,比平常好些,却不漂亮,他皱着眉头.没有杂志上那些Paris期待成为的亮丽影星漂亮.当她叹息着从镜旁走开,屈身到地板上.她从母亲的床下取出一本杂志,这是一个只有她们两个知道的秘密.Al不会给她一分钱,因此除此之外母亲会给她几美元杂货钱让她买些小东西作为补偿.封面上的人物不是别人,正是伊丽莎白泰勒,她真美.鉴于paris从未看过她的电影,更别提看电视了.她是Paris最喜欢的女演员.她只希望自己能摆脱这种情况,像那些富人和名人一样生活.他们太安逸了.