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书面表达 英语

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:31:16
你弟弟明天和同学出去郊游,你受妈妈委托帮他准备所需东西,现在你写一张留言条:书在桌子上,地图在书包里,一串钥匙放在书包里,一些钱放在抽屉里,一碟CD和CD机放在电脑旁,一些水果和食品放在冰箱上面。 (80词)
书面表达 英语
解题思路: 把要点表达清楚,语句要通顺。
I’m happy he can go for an outing. So I prepare somethings for tomorrow. The books are on the table. The map is in the backpack. A set of keys is in the backpack.. Some money is in the drawer,A CD and the video are near the TV. Some fruit and food are on the bridge. Have a good trip .
