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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 17:11:04
Yesterday I went shopping,bought some books and had dinner at a good restaurant.
The union members asked to no effect for health coverage to get better,then decided to walk out until company management responded to their complaints.【第二个句子,看不懂.这个是你之前回答一个人的句子.请问ask to no effect for health coverage to get better的语法成分.句子帮忙翻译下.】
2、the pair of的用法.似乎是有两种用法:
[1]The pair of shoes is mine.
[2]If the root of equation (a²-1)x+5|b|-10=0 had innumerability,(a,b) is a pair of the real number,then the pair of real number (a,b) is 4.【这里与the number of 类似】

Yesterday I went shopping,bought some books and had dinner at a good restaurant.(昨天我逛了商店,买了几本书并且在一家排场的饭馆用了餐.)

  Yesterday I went shopping,I bought some books and I had dinner at a good restaurant.(昨天我逛了商店,我买了几本书,我还在一家排场的饭馆用了餐.)

The union members asked to no effect for health coverage to get better,then decided to walk out until company management responded to their complaints.

  同理,也可以在第二个并列句中加上主语 they 变成下面较啰嗦的表述:
  The union members asked to no effect for health coverage to get better,then they decided to walk out until company management responded to their complaints.
  【句中的介词短语 to no effect是插入性结果状语,意思“出现没起到作用的结果”,也可以把它调整到后面,即 ask for health coverage to get better to no effect.整个句的意思是“工会会员要求改善健康保险无果,于是他们就决定罢工,直到公司管理部门对他们的投诉给予答复才会复工”.】
2、a/the pair of 的用法.


  a pair of shoes 一双鞋、
  a pair of galsses 一副眼镜
  a pair of trousers 一条裤子
  a pair of scissors一把剪刀
  a pair of dancers 一对舞伴
  a pair of stairs 一段楼梯(上了一节后转向再上另一节的楼梯)
  以上都是第一次提到的泛指,如果是特指,就需要用 the pair of(那双/那对/那条)

数理化中也经常用到 a/the pair of,如:

  a pair of real number 实数集
  a pair of electrons  电子偶
  If the root of equation (a²-1)x+5|b|-10=0 had innumerability,(a,b) is a pair of the real number,then the pair of real number (a,b) is 4.假设方程 (a²-1)x+5|b|-10=0 的根有无数个,(a,b) 是这个实数集,那么该实数集就是 4.
  【the pair of 与 the number of 结构类似,但意思不同】
再问: 我自己觉得 the pair of real number (a,b) is 4.中的the pair of real number是实数对的对数,
就像the number of classes 班级数一样,表示的是of后面的名词的数量,谓语都是单数。听了老师说的,明白The pair of shoes is mine.中是特指。
再答: 你说的“对实数”其实就是“一对实数”,但不是对数。对数指“为使某数等于一给定数而必须取的乘幂的幂指数”。
再问: 确实,我说成对数就错了。我重新说下,the pair of real number (a,b) is 4.我觉得是:实数对(a,b)的数量是4对。请问这样的翻译准不准确?
再答: 理解正确。