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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 02:27:51
以及,这是度娘翻的:traditional marriage is between male and female.Now,with the development of people moral values,More and more same-sex couples as heterosexual couples hope can be allowed to marry.Gay rights movement and human rights movement in some countries and regions have different degrees.Be in China at present,homosexuality is an indisputable fact that.Through the research on the origin of gay and the legislation and gay marriage,marriage to our understanding of the legislation of same-sex marriage.
Traditionally,marriage has always been a union in wedlock between a male and a female.Nowadays,with the advancement of people’s values and moral standards,more and more same-sex couples are hoping to be allowed to get married just like heterosexual partners.There are campaigns going on in varying degree by gay rights and human rights movements in some countries and regions,while in China,the existence of homosexuality is an indisputable fact.By studying the origin of homosexuality and the legislations of homosexual marriages and the marriage situations in various countries,this article puts forward its understanding on the legislations of homosexual marriages in China.
英语翻译随着社会的发展,人们的收入越来越高 随着时代的发展,人们越来越离不开电脑了.英语翻译 英语翻译随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,人们的日常生活已经离不开网络.越来越多的商业活动都从传统的现实社会中发展到了网络上.由 众说纷纭说金钱,随着时代的发展,人们的价值观念也在悄悄发生着变化.一方面,我们赞许中国古代文化传统中“富贵不能淫”“不为 英语翻译如今,随着社会的发展,越来越多的人们开始注重穿衣品位和衣服质量,人们开始追求时尚,F这个字眼也频繁的使用于爱美人 英语翻译在漫长的原始社会中,男女两性之间的关系是朴素而平等的. 英语翻译美国的价值观念随着历史的发展也不断变化.9•11事件对美国的历史进程有着至关重要的影响.美国传统价值 英语翻译随着计算机网络的不断发展,人们生活当中越来越多的应用都离不开网络了,如今网络让人们的生活方式发生了较大改变,可以 英语翻译随着经济的发展,环境的恶化正在加速,如今的人们也越来越关注环境恶化带来的危害.人们为了得到暂时的经济利益,不惜大 英语翻译随着科技的发展,大多数人都过上了小康生活,除了能保证吃喝,私家车也渐渐多了起来.人们的生活越来越富裕了.新世纪初 英语翻译随着科技的发展.手机已经成为人们的通讯工具.越来越多的人选择短信拜年. 英语翻译:近年来,随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,小区里越来越多的人购买了私家车.