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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 12:29:12


到20世纪初,踢踏舞才发展至我们今天认识的形式.舞鞋上会加上金属底片,以及一些新舞技以臻于完善.其中最重要的是从扁足舞转为用前脚掌来跳.这普遍都归功于舞蹈家Bill Robinson.另一者是“马步”,其中舞者快速地由右前脚掌转换至左前脚掌,然后转换的是双脚的脚踵.同时运用双脚的不同部份是由舞者John Bubbles所创,这让舞者能即兴地跳,甚至创出更多的新舞步.满场飞的拖滑步和跳上跳下的“楼梯舞”都令踢踏舞生色不少,当然也有轻松的手臂和肩膀的动作.挑战已成为了舞蹈动作的常见部份,舞者们常以新颖及难度高的舞步来互相较劲.
许多出色的舞者都对推动踢踏舞的发展作出了贡献.除了Bill Robinson及John Bubbles外,知名的踢踏舞者包括有 Sammy Davis,Jr.、Fred Astaire、Eleanor Powell、Gregory Hines及 Savion Glover.
Tap Dancing
Most of the arts in America are a combination of ideas and influences from many sources.Tap dancing certainly fits in this category.It is truly an American art,but it has been influenced by English and Irish dance steps as well as steps from Africa.
Some historians argue that tap dancing was first done by slaves on Southern plantations in North America,and that originally steps were done wearing soft-soled shoes.Irish step dancing,which also involves intricate foot patterns,contributed the movement of the free leg to one side and the swing of the elbows outward.Wooden clog shoes were worn as tap dancing evolved,but for a long time the steps were done flat-footed.
Tap dancing developed into the form we recognize today in the early 20th century.Metal taps were added to dance shoes,and a number of new techniques were perfected.One of the most important was the change from the flat-footed step to dancing on the balls of the feet.This is commonly attributed to dancer Bill Robinson.Another was the "cramp roll",in which the dancer would rapidly move from the ball of the right foot to the ball of the left,and then to the heel of each foot.This separation of the steps into distinct areas of the foot,an innovation by dancer John Bubbles,allowed dancers to-improvise even more new patterns.Slides across the floor and movements up and down stairs further enlivened tap.So did relaxed arm and shoulder movements.Challenges became a common part of dance routines,with dancers competing very hard to outperform each other with new and difficult steps.
Many dancers excelled at tap and contributed to its development.Besides Bill Robinson and John Bubbles,well-known tappers have included Sammy Davis,Jr.,Fred Astaire,Eleanor Powell,Gregory Hines,and Savion Glover.