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英语翻译交通事故中的头部外伤急救法  ①发现受伤者,应尽快检查头部有无外伤,是否处于危险状态.最重要的是不要随便移动患者

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:26:18
  ①发现受伤者,应尽快检查头部有无外伤,是否处于危险状态.最重要的是不要随便移动患者,并按以下程序迅速抢救:  a取昏睡体位:即让负伤者侧卧,头向后仰,保证呼吸道畅通.  b若呼吸停止则进行人工呼吸,若脉搏消失则进行心脏按摩.  c若头皮出血时,用纱布等干净直接压迫止血.  ②如果头受伤后,有血液和脑脊液从鼻、耳流出,就一定要负伤者平卧,患侧向下.即左耳、鼻流出脑脊液时左侧向下,右侧流时右侧向下.如果喉和鼻大量出血,则容易引起呼吸困难,应让受伤者取昏睡体位,以使其呼吸方便.  注意事项   1.受伤后光有头痛头晕,说明是轻伤;除此外还有瞳孔散大,偏瘫或者抽风,那至少是中等以上的脑伤了.  2.脑外伤病人一旦出现频繁呕吐、头痛剧烈和神志不清等症状,那就决不可大意,应速送医院诊治.  3.受伤后如有脑脊液流出时,最好不要用纱布、脱脂棉等塞在鼻腔或外耳道内,因为这样地引起感染.
英语翻译交通事故中的头部外伤急救法  ①发现受伤者,应尽快检查头部有无外伤,是否处于危险状态.最重要的是不要随便移动患者
The discovery of the wounded,should check the head has no injury,whether in a dangerous state.The most important is to do not move patients,and the following procedure of rapid rescue:a sleeping posture:let the injured side,head back,ensure the unimpeded respiratory tract.B if the breath stop give artificial respiration,if the pulse disappeared for cardiac massage.C if the scalp bleeding,such as direct compression hemostasis by gauze clean.If a head injury,blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the nose,ear outflow,it must be wounded procumbent,ipsilateral downward.Left ear,nose outflow of cerebrospinal fluid during downwards on the left side,right flow right down.If the throat and nasal bleeding,are easy to cause breathing difficulties,should let the wounded taken sleeping posture,to breathe easy.Note 1 injured after a headache and dizziness,is injured; except in addition to mydriasis,hemiplegia or exhausting,at least it is above the middle cerebral injury.In 2 patients with cerebral trauma if frequent vomiting,headache and confusion and other symptoms,it can never be careless,shall be promptly sent to hospital for treatment.The 3 injured as the cerebrospinal fluid outflow,it is best not to use gauze,absorbent cotton plugs in the nasal cavity or external auditory canal,because this caused by infection.