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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 12:21:03
After dinner we can walk ____(在附近) the farm.在这一题中,是不是填这两个中的任一个答案都行?
副词adv.1.(空间)在近处; 在附近 We live quite near.我们就住在附近.2.(时间)临近,来临 The summer holidays are drawing near.暑假快到了.3.(程度)几乎,差不多,将近 He was near frozen when they found him.他们找到他时,他差不多冻僵了.介词prep.1.(表示位置)靠近,在…附近 The small child was afraid to go near the dog.那小孩子不敢靠近那条狗.We were near him at the table.我们吃饭时坐在他的附近.2.(表示时间)将近,快到,临近 It's near five o'clock.现在将近五点钟.3.(表示程度)接近,近乎,濒临 Most views were fairly near the truth.许多观点与真实情况十分相近.4.(表示关系)与…近似; 与…紧密相关 5.(表示过程)到…去从事活动 He never goes near a public house.他从来不到酒馆喝酒.6.(表示数目)大约,接近 He must be getting near retiring age.他一定快到退休年龄了.7.(质量、大小等)相仿,接近 8.接近于(某种状态);濒临;快要 形容词 adj.1.近的; 不远的 Can you tell me the nearest way to the station?你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗?2.亲密的; 近亲的 We are near relatives.我们是近亲.3.近似,相似 Very often tragedies or near tragedies occurred.悲剧或近乎悲剧的事经常发生.4.不久以后 5.随后;接近 6.(亲属关系)近亲 及物动词 vt.& 不及物动词 vi.1.(时间或空间上)接近,靠近,临近 Storm clouds neared.暴风雨的乌云迫近了.He must be nearing home by now.他现在一定已经快到家了.副词adv.1.在周围,在附近 I can't see anyone around.我看见附近一个人也没有.2.到处,四周 I hear laughter all around.我听到四周的笑声.3.大约 I'll be back at around 5 o'clock.五点左右我就回来.4.以圆周计算 5.到处;向各处 6.闲散地;无目的地 7.出现;现有;可用 8.转弯;掉转;掉头 9.(体育运动、专业等中)走红的,活跃的 介词prep.1.(表示位置)围绕,绕在; 在…各处,在…范围之内; 在…附近,在…周围 They sat around the table.他们围着桌子坐.2.(表示方向)绕过,越过; 朝…的四周,往…的四周 Let's go around the town,not through it.我们从城外绕过去,不要穿城而过.3.(表示状态)包着,裹着; 在…身边,接近(某人) I bound the cloth around my head to stop the bleeding.我将布裹在头上止血.4.(表示依据)以…为中心,根据 Their society was built around a belief in God.他们的社会建立在信仰上帝的基础上.5.围绕,环绕 6.在那边;到那边;从那边 7.同…一致;适合;符合