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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 21:24:45
W:If it weren't for the climate,I'd like it here very much.
A.I hope you're enjoying your stay here.B.What is the weather like today?C.Have you been familiar with Dallas now?D.Are you feeling OK?
2.M:Merry Christmas!
A.Oh,thanks to you!B.Happy New Year!C.The same to you!D.I never celebrate it!
M:I’m going to my sister's.
A.How about going with me?B.Have you moved or something?
C.Where are you living?D.Where are you heading?
4.W:Haven't seen you for ages._______
M:I've been in California for the past month.
A.What are you up to recently?B.How soon will you be back?
C.What are you going to do?D.Where did you hide?
5.W:I've come to say goodbye.I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.
A.will your parents meet you at the airport?B.help yourself.
C.have a safe trip and remember me to your parents.D.I’m longing to see you.
6.M:Thank you for the wonderful meal.
A.It’s not that good.B.Are you serious?
C.I'm glad you enjoyed it.D.I’m not a good cook.
7.W:How do you like my new dress,dear?
M:___________— you’ve never been more beautiful.
A.When did you buy it?B.You call it new?
C.It doesn’t suit you at all!D.It looks terrific on you!
8.W:I'm afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.
A.You should have been more careful.B.Do you think I care?
C.Then wash it for me.D.Oh,don't worry about it.
A.would you please put me through to extension 211?
B.may I know your name?C.does this bus go to the train station?
D.could you show me something less expensive?
10.M:Would you cash these traveler’s checks,please?
M:In ten-dollar bills,please.
A.Will you come back tomorrow?B.Which way shall we go?
C.How much do you charge?D.How would you like them?
1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.C