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英语翻译一段 抱歉,本人的英语不太好,烦请各位帮我一个大忙

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:32:31
英语翻译一段 抱歉,本人的英语不太好,烦请各位帮我一个大忙
良心是做人的底线,也是我为人处世的宗旨。我时时刻刻提醒自己做事必须光明磊落,问心 无愧。但在现实中许许多多的悲剧,往往是由缺失良知的社会所造成。然而,人们对周遭事物 的冷漠更让我感到无限痛心,万物皆有生命,热爱行山的我早已视大自然为家,家园被毁的痛 楚令我决不违背自己的原则去破坏他人的生存空间。因此,我视升学为探求和谐社会应有道德 的踏脚石,在这溷沌扭曲的主流中提供一道清泉。
英语翻译一段 抱歉,本人的英语不太好,烦请各位帮我一个大忙
翻译为:Conscience is the bottom line of life, is also the purpose of my life. I always remind myself that do things must be aboveboard, a clear conscience. But in reality many tragedies, is often caused by lack of conscience of society. People's indifference to things around, however, more let me feel infinite regret, all things have life, I love hiking already see nature as a home, home was destroyed Chu I never violate their principles to destroy the living space of others. Therefore, I regard bound for to seek a harmonious society should be a steppingstone to the moral, standing in this Dun distortion in the mainstream of provide a spring of fresh water.望采纳。