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英语翻译One might reasonably think that the information age woul

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 14:26:13
One might reasonably think that the information age would produce informed patients.However,unlimited,uncontrolled access to irrelevant information produces misinformed patients.What is worse is that the patients believe that they are “informed”,and often considerable time needs to be spent correcting information that is patently false,misleading,or irrelevant.In the worst case scenario,that patient may believe what they read on the internet rather than what you tell them after a thorough exam and evaluation.
In a cross-sectional survey of 1050 physicians in the US,85%had experienced patients internet information to the patient visit.It was the general feeling that where that information was misleading or inaccurate,it was damaging to the doctor-patient relationship and consumed time during the visit.Some physicians felt challenged by the patient..
Bozic et al.looked at the impact of Direct to Consumer Advertising(DTCA).Seventy-four percent (74%)of the surgeon respondents felt that the advertising had a negative effect on the patient relationship,and 77% believed the information that the patient brought was either confusing or inaccurate.
The solution is outlined in a study reported by Danquah et al.They randomized patients presenting for hernia repair into two groups.The study group was directed to three pre-selected Internet sites and told to read up about the procedure before the first surgical visit..the control group received no specific instructions.79.4%of the Internet group reported a very good to excellent postoperative level of satisfaction compared to 45.5%of the control group.Therefore,the solution is to use the internet proactively.It is also helpful to present patients with specific written information that details what you do and why you do it .Some of what I have created can be viewed at www.aboutjoints.com/patientinfo/patients.htm
英语翻译One might reasonably think that the information age woul
一个可能合理地认为,信息时代将产生告知患者.但是,无限制的,不受控制的访问无关信息产生误导患者.更糟糕的是,患者认为,他们“知情” ,往往需要相当长的时间将用于纠正信息,显然是虚假,误导或无关紧要.在最坏的情况下,病人可能会认为他们改为在互联网上,而不是你告诉他们经过彻底检查和评价.
在一个横断面调查1050医师在美国, 85 %的患者经历了互联网的信息,病人的访问.这是普遍的感觉,如果这一信息误导或不准确的,这是有损医患关系和消费的时间在访问期间.一些医生认为挑战的耐心. .
Bozic等.望着直接影响到消费者的广告(存款公司公会) . 72百分之四( 74 % )的受访者认为医生的广告产生了负面影响的医患关系, 77 %的人认为的信息,使病人或者产生混淆,或不准确的.
该解决方案中所列的一项研究报告丹夸等人.他们随机提交患者的疝修补术分为两组.该研究小组是针对三个预先选定的互联网网站,并告诉了阅读的程序前的第一次手术的访问. .对照组没有收到任何具体的指示. 79.4 %的互联网组汇报了非常优良术后的满意程度相比, 45.5 %的对照组.因此,解决办法是使用互联网主动.这也有利于本例具体的书面资料,详细情况你怎么做,为什么你这样做.一些事情我已经建立,可在www.aboutjoints.com / patientinfo / patients.htm