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英语翻译翻译这段话:Raleigh's poetry is written in the relatively stra

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 23:35:39
翻译这段话:Raleigh's poetry is written in the relatively straightforward,unornamented mode known as the plain style.C.S.Lewis considered Raleigh one of the era's "silver poets",a group of writers who resisted the Italian Renaissance influence of dense classical reference and elaborate poetic devices.In poems such as "What is Our Life" and "The Lie",Raleigh expresses a contemptus mundi (contempt of the world) attitude more characteristic of the Middle Ages than of the dawning era of humanistic optimism.But,his lesser-known long poem "The Ocean to Cynthia" combines this vein with the more elaborate conceits associated with his contemporaries Edmund Spenser and John Donne,expressing a melancholy sense of history.A minor poem of Raleigh's captures the atmosphere of the court at the time of Queen Elizabeth I.
英语翻译翻译这段话:Raleigh's poetry is written in the relatively stra
雷利的诗歌几乎都是一种相对直白无华的朴实风格.C·S·路易斯称赞雷利为这个时代的白银诗人之一,那些抵制意大利文艺复兴的影响、拒绝大量引用和精心堆砌的诗人中的一员.在他的诗作,如《何为生活》、《谎言》中,雷利表达了他轻贱世俗的态度,这一态度虽然处于人文乐观主义初期却带有更浓郁的中世纪特点.然而,他更鲜为人知的长诗《月神之海》 却融合了这一性情和与他同时代的诗人埃德蒙·斯宾塞与约翰·邓恩所拥有的自负,表现了一种对历史的悲叹.在伊丽莎白女王一世时期,雷利的一首小诗描绘出来当时宫廷的氛围.