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一些化学题目 英文版1how do mixture and substances differ?2consider a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:36:52
一些化学题目 英文版
1how do mixture and substances differ?
2consider a mixture of water,sand,and oil.How many phases are present?How could you separate this mixture into individual substances?
3Classify each of the following as either a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture
a orange juice
b tap water
c steel(a blend of iron and carbon)
d air
e raisin muffin
4 when 50ml of ethanol is mixed with 50ml of water, a solution forms.The volume of the final solution is less than 100ml. Propose an explanation for this phenomenon.(hint:Consider what you know about the space between particles in liquids)
5 describe the separation technique that could be used to separate each of the following mixture
a two colorless liquids
b a nondissolving soild mixed with a liquid
c red and blue marbles of same size and mass
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一些化学题目 英文版1how do mixture and substances differ?2consider a
1.The difference beetween a pure substance and a mixture is that a pure substance such as aluminum and sugar has one type of particle in it and mixture such as salt has two or more particles within it or two pure substances.
Sugar is not a pure substance.It is comprised of carbon,hydrogen,and oxygen.
2.There are two phases.You can separate this through 1.filtration;2.distillation
3.- A homogeneous mixture is two or more substances mixed together to make a product.
Ex.Sugar + water = pop
- A heterogeneous mixture is also a mixture of two or more substances,but each substance is distinct in the product.
Ex.Chocolate chip muffin - the chocolate chips are clearly visible,not mixed together with the muffin.
so,1.orange juice(我觉得啊 得看是哪种橙汁了 鲜榨的就是后者 水溶的就是前者 所以这个不确定~) 2.tap water is homogeneous.3.steel is homogeneous 4.air is homogeneous 5.raisin muffin is heterogeneous~
4.Molecules of water are bigger than the molecules of ethanol.That means that the ethanol molecules fill in the space between the bigger water molecules.
5.1) distillation
3)mechanical separation
两步 先过滤后分馏
1.橙汁(鲜榨为一种,水溶为同种)2.自来水 同种 3.铁 同种 4.空气 同种 5.松饼 异种
1.两种无色液体---蒸馏 2.不容固体与液体---过滤 3.红色和蓝色的大理石----机械分离
晕死 刚刚网打不开了 花了好大功夫才弄好.