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英语翻译"A little ability is better than none," I said.No one sa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 02:17:56
"A little ability is better than none," I said.No one said anything so I figured it probably wasn't the right.time to try to cheer Clyde up.
I knew all about his switching from a commercial program to an academic program,but I really hadn't thought he'd have any trouble.
"I saw the grade adviser today.He said I should switch back to the commercial program." Clyde looked like he'd start crying any minute.His eyes were red and his voice was shaky."He said that I had to take mathematics over and if I failed again or failed another required subject 1 couldn't graduate.The way it is now I'm going to have to finish up in the summer because I switched over."
"I think you can pass it if you really want to," Kitty said.Clyde's sister was so pretty I couldn't even look at her.If I did,I started feeling funny and couldn't talk right.Sometimes I daydreamed about marrying her.
Just then Clyde's mother came in and he gave a quick look at Kitty.
"Hi,young ladies and young gentlemen." Mrs.Jones was a kind of heavy woman but she was pretty,too.You could tell she was Kitty's mother if you looked close.She put her packagege down and started taking things out."I heard you pcople talking whcas I first came in.By the way you hushed up I guess you don't want me to hear what you were talking about.I'll be out of your way in a minute,soon as I put the frozen foods in the refrigerator."
"I got my report card today," Clyde said.His mother stopped taking
the food out and turned toward us.Clyde pushed the report card about two inches toward her.She really didn't even have to look at the card to know that it was bad.She could have told that just by looking at Clyde.But she picked it up and looked' at it a long time.First she looked at one side and then the other and then back at t.he first side again.
"What they say around the school?" she asked,still looking at the card."They said I should drop the academic course and go back to the other one." I could hardly hear Clyde ,he spoke so low.
"Well,what are you going to do,young man She looked u at Clyde and Clyde looked up at her and there were tears in his eyes and I almost started crying.I can't stand to see my friends cry."What are you going to do,Mr.Jones?"
"I'm -I'm going to keep the academic course," Clyde said.
"You think it's going to be any easier this time?" Mrs.Jones asked.
"Things ain't always easy.Lord knows that things ain't always easy." For a minute there was a faraway look in her eyes,but then her face turned into a big smile."You're just like your father,boy.That man never would give up on anything he really wanted.Did I ever tell you the time he was trying to learn to play the trombone?"
"No."Clyde still had tears in his eyes but he was smiling,too.Suddenly everybody was happy.It was like seeing a rainbow when it was still raining.
一点能力比什么都, “我没有说好. 没有说任何我如此计算它大概不是权利. 时刻设法使克莱德振作.
我今天看见了等级顾问. 他说我应该交换回到商业计划. 如他会开始哭泣所有分钟”,克莱德看了. 他的眼睛是红色的,并且他的声音是摇晃的. “他说我必须接管数学,并且,如果我再出故障或出故障另一个必需的主题1不可能毕业. 因为我交换了,方式它是我现在必须在夏天结束. ”
“我认为您能通过它,如果您真正地要对”,全部赌注说. 克莱德的姐妹是,因此我不可能甚而相当看她. 如果我,我开始感到滑稽,并且不可能谈话. 有时我作了白日梦关于与她结婚.
“喂,小姐和年轻先生们. ”琼斯夫人是一重的妇女,但是她是俏丽的,也是. 如果您看起来接近,您可能告诉她是全部赌注的母亲. 她把她的packagege放下并且开始带事出去. “我听见了您我首先进来的pcople谈的whcas. 您顺便说一句隐瞒了我猜测您不要我听见什么您谈论. 我立刻将是在您的方式外面,很快,我在冰箱投入冷冻食品. ”
“我今天得到了我的报告卡”,克莱德说. 他的母亲停止采取
这食物和转动往我们. 克莱德推挤了报告卡大约二英寸朝她. 她甚而真正地没有必须看卡片知道这是坏的. 她可能通过看克莱德告诉那. 但是她拾起它和looked在它很长时间. 首先她注视着一边然后其他然后t.he表版再
他们在学校附近说什么?“她要求,仍然看卡片. “他们说我应该下降学术路线和回到另一个. ”我可能几乎不听见克莱德,他讲了话那么低.
“很好,什么是您去做,年轻人她看u克莱德,并且克莱德看她和那里是在他的眼睛的泪花,并且我几乎开始哭泣. 我不可能站立看我的朋友哭泣. “什么是您去做,琼斯先生?”
“您认为是所有更加容易这次?” 被要求的Mrs.Jones.
“事总是不是容易. 阁下知道事总是不是容易. 另一方面”在一分钟有在她的眼睛,但是她的面孔的遥远神色把变成大微笑. “您是象您的父亲,男孩. 人真正地不会对任何不抱希望他要. 我告诉了您他设法学会播放伸缩喇叭的时间?”
第“克莱德仍然有泪花在他的眼睛,但是他微笑着,也是. 突然大家是愉快的. 它是象看见彩虹,当仍然下雨.