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英语翻译Students all around the world think it great to have som

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 13:20:06
Students all around the world think it great to have some money in their pocket.but how much do they get?In the US,a little pre-school kid may get a dollar or two each week,but older children get more.A lot of American parents give pocket money to their children,but their children have to do chores.Most American children think having pocket money will help them to understand money better.Here's what some of them say:I save half of my pocket money every week.---Jacob I get $20 twice a month.I put $5in the bank and spend $15 on something that I need.--Katty
I don't save too much.I spend a lot when I go shopping.--Amber I put my pocket money in the bank,and spend my birthday and Christmas money.--Sam In Britain,Kids in primary school get 4 or 5 pounds each week.When they enter middle school,they get about 9 pounds.Also,British boys get a little more pocket money than girls
英语翻译Students all around the world think it great to have som
全世界的学生们都认为有零用钱是不错的.但是他们能得到多少呢?在美国,学龄前的小孩每周可能会得到一二美元,但是大一点的孩子会得到更多.很多美国的父母都会给孩子们零用钱,但是他们的孩子必须做家务.大多数美国孩子认为有零花钱会有助于他们对钱有更好的了解.下面是其中一些孩子的说法:Jacob说:我会把每周一半的零用钱攒起来.Katty说:我一月两次获得20美元,我会把5美元存入银行,把15美元花在所需要的东西上.Amber说:我不会省太多钱.当我购物的时候我会花费很多.Sam说:我会把平时的零用钱存入银行,而把我生日和圣诞节的钱给花掉. 在英国,小学的孩子们每周会得到四五英镑.当他们上中学的时候,他们会获得大约九英镑.另外,英国男孩得到的零用钱要比女孩多一些.