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英语翻译If you ask people to name the one person who had the gre

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 11:41:19
If you ask people to name the one person who had the greatest effect on the English language,you will get answers like “Shakespeare,” “Samuel Johnson,” and “Webster,” but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didn’t even speak English — William the Conqueror.
Before 1066,in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups.In the west-central region lived the Welsh,who spoke a Celtic language,and in the north lived the Scots,whose language,though not the same as Welsh,was also Celtic.In the rest of the country lived the Saxons,actually a mixture of Anglos,Saxons,and other Germanic and Nordic peoples,who spoke what we now call Anglo-Saxon (or Old English),a Germanic language.If this state of affairs had lasted,English today would be close to German.
But this state of affairs did not last.In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England.For about a century,French became the official language of England while Old English became the language of peasants.As a result,English words of politics and the law come from French rather than German.In some cases,modern English even shows a distinction(区别) between upper-class French and lower-class Anglo-Saxon in its words.We even have different words for some foods,meat in particular,depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked,which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing the farming,while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.
When Americans visit Europe for the first time,they usually find Germany more “foreign” than France because the German they see on signs and advertisements seems much more different from English than French does.Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the French influences are all the result of one man’s ambition.
英语翻译If you ask people to name the one person who had the gre
如果你现在问人们谁对英语产生的影响最大,你会得到像“Shakespeare,” “Samuel Johnson,” 和 “Webster”的答案.但是以上这三人对英语的影响都无法和征服者 William(不知道这么翻对不?)相比.
1066年之前,在我们现在称之为大不列颠的地方生活着的人们,他们属于两个语系.在中西部地区生活着威尔士人,他们说凯尔特语.在北方住着苏格兰人人,他们的语言虽然不同于威尔士人,但也同样是凯尔特语.在这个国家其他的地方住着萨克逊人,他们实际上是安格鲁和萨克逊的混合人种.其他还有些日耳曼人和诺丁克人,这些人说的就是安格鲁萨克逊英语(即Old English古典英语)一种日耳曼语言.如果英语的状态就这样持续的话,那么我们今天的英语会和接近德语.
但这种状态并没有持续很久,在1066年由William带领的诺尔曼士兵打败了萨克逊人并且开始了对英格兰的统治.在接下来的一个世纪里,法语变成了英格兰的官方语言,而 Old English变成了老百姓使用的语言.所以,英语中有关法律与政治的单词受法语影响比受德语更多些.在很多情况下,现代英语甚至在单词上显示出一种上流社会法语与平民化安格鲁萨克逊英语的差异.他们甚至对不同的食物有不同的名称,尤其在肉类上,而这决定于肉类是还在农场上还是已经准备要烹饪.这反映出萨克逊老百姓做农活,而上流社会诺尔曼人享受的状态.
当美国人第一次拜访欧洲的时候他们通常都会发现德国人比法国人更“外国”一些应为德国人看的标语广告和英国人和法国人不同.很少有人意识到英语其实起初更日尔曼一些而法语对其的年个升毫秒年个 则是某个人野心的结果