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关于初中英语1.except besides 都是除了,两个次有什么区别?2.关于同类异物,同类同物中that,thos

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:51:31
1.except besides 都是除了,两个次有什么区别?
3.one,the other one,another .还有许多这样的,请举例说明用法.
4,too much too many much too many too 这个几个词的区别和用法
关于初中英语1.except besides 都是除了,两个次有什么区别?2.关于同类异物,同类同物中that,thos
这四个介词或者短语都可以表示“除了…”的意思.但except仅表示“除了…”,排除在外,后面可以接that,what,when等引导的从句;而besides表示“除了…还有…”的意思,表示包含在内;except for表示“除了…”,它引出一个与前面的词相反的原因或者事例;but的意思与except接近,它主要与某些不定代词如nothing,all,anything, no one,anyone等连用.
except意为"只有……除外;除去……",后跟名词或代词作宾语,强调从整体中除去部分,即except后的部分不包括在整体之内.因此,常和all, everything, no one, nothing等词一起使用.其判别标志是:除去的与保留的是"同类项".
She can do everything except cook. 除了做饭之外她什么都会.
He had considered everything except the weather."他什么都想过,唯独没考虑到天气."
二、except for/that的用法--"排除否定式"
except 除后跟名词、代词作宾语外,还可跟介词,也可跟从句.
(1)except for...是"除了因为……;要不是……;除去……一点外"的意思,表示"对一个人或事物,先做一个整体评价,然后再就局部提出一点看法".即一部分被肯定,另一部分被否定,这就是所谓的"排除否定式".其判别标志是:除去的与保留的"不是同类项".
(2)except that... 也是"除去……一点外"的意思,但应注意恰当地使用引导词.若从句句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that.例如:
The suit fitted him well except that the colour was a little brighter.
(3)except for与except that有时可互相转换.例如:
Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.
=Your composition is very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes
besides相当于as well as,意为"除了……以外还有……",即"除去一部分还有另外一部分"的意思,表示besides 后面的部分包括在整体之内.例如:
Does John know any other foreign language besides French.
They all went to the park but Mike and me. 他们都去公园了除了我和麦克.
(2)but常与下列词连用:a.否定词no one, none, nothing等; b.疑问词who, what等; c.不定代词all, everyone等.例如:
Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.这个计划只能招灾惹祸,别无益处.
David could do nothing but help his teacher yesterday afternoon.
在比较结构中,为了避免重复,常用替代词替代名词词组或它的中心词.可以这样用的替代词常用的且较难掌握的有one, ones,that和those.
My child doesn't like this book.Show her a more interesting one.
2.替代词one或ones必须带有一个限定或修饰词,它们和所替代的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one或 ones在用法上的一个重要特征.例如:
I don't like this book.I'd like a more interesting one.
Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had before.
4.当替代词one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略.例如:
This book is much better than that(one).
5.替代词one或ones通常不用在物主代词和名词所有格之后.如不可说my one(s),your one(s),Peter's one(s)等等.one或 ones也不能用在own之后.
My cheap camera seems to be just as good as John's expensive one.
6.one作替代词时,在of前面不能用 the one来表示所属关系和类似概念.如不可说:
*He put down his gun and picked up the one of Henry.
该用一个所有格来表示 He picked up Henry's.
7.当两个形容词表示对照的意思时,不能使用替代词 one.仅在其中一个形容词后加上名词即可.例如:
Don't praise the younger child in the presence of the elder.
8.替代词 one如果不带任何前置修饰语,即它的前面既没有限定词,又没有形容词时,便不是替代名词词组的中心词,而是替代整个名词词组.这时,one=a+单数名词.例如:
A cake made of wheat costs less than one made of rice.(one =a cake)
Here are a few apples.Would you like some(=some of them)?
1.that和those通常用作指使代词,也可用作替代词.它们总是伴随着限定性的后置修饰语,分别等于the one和 the ones.例如:
The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.
2.that也可替代不可数名词,但是 the one则不能.例如:
The resistance of a thicker wire is less than that of a thin one.
以上两例中的that都不能换成the one.
The blonde girl I saw was older than the one you were dancing with.
该句中的the one不能换成that.
4.that用作替代词和它所替代的名词词组的中心词的“数”可以不一致.替代单数名词时,只替代“the +单数名词”,不可替代“a+单数名词”.例如:
The song by Schubert is more tuneful than that by Britain.(that=the song.song为可数名词.)
请注意,这里说的that只替代“the +单数名词”,不可替代“a+单数名词,系指that在句子中实际的作用,并非要求它在句子中所代表的前面出现的词组必须是“the +单数名词.例如:
In those days they lived a life worse than that of a beast of burden.
在该句中,前面出现的词组为a life,但that替代的却是the life.
The problem confronting us today is not dissimilar from that which the nation confronted in the 1930s.
三、other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等.它们的用法现归纳如下;
Do you have any other question(s)?
Ask some other people.
Put it in your other hand.
2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如:
He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.
the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词.如:
On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree.
Mary is much taller than the other girls.
He lives on the other side of the river.
Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.
Give me some others, please.
There are no others.
4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”.特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”.是the other的复数形式.如:
Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.
the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍.
5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词.如:
I don’t like this one. Please show me another.
I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker.
四、too much too many much too many too的用法,详细点

答:1) too much的含义是“太多”,充当形容词用时,too是副词,用来修饰much,后接不可数名词.
如:I have too much work to do.我有太多的活要干.
too much充当副词用时,可用来修饰动词.
如:Watching TV too much is bad for your health. 看电视太多对你的健康有害.
too much充当代词用时,后面不接名词,代替上下文提到的事物.
如:You gave me too much. 你给我的太多了.
2) much too意为“太”,much(副词)用来修饰too,以加强语气,只可起副词作用,在句中修饰形容词或副词.如:
It’s much too expensive.太贵了.
You walk (much) too far yesterday. 昨天你散步走得太远了.
3) too many常用作形容词,修饰可数名词复数.如:
They built too many buildings last year.去年他们建了许多楼房.
4)没有many too这一词组.